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  1. tribesman

    Works righteousness.

    I did not say we are not to work. I was talking about what motivates us to work and whom to look for as for our hope. OK? Or are you yet one of these people who rant against sin yet bear false witness against your neighbor?
  2. tribesman

    Works righteousness.

    To the bold: All requirements for a believers salvation are already fulfilled in the person and work of Jesus Christ alone. And, yes, this is the gospel and this is what motivates a christian to lead a holy life and put away sin. Should not a christian already know what the law says? Is the not...
  3. tribesman

    Works righteousness.

    Antinomianism is error, so is sinless perfection. I'll leave it at that.
  4. tribesman

    Works righteousness.

    What work and how much work do you need to do in order to have assurance? You set your hope to your own works and your own keeping away from and avoiding sin? And sin are merely outwards things only? I mean to say that focusing on not to sin will lead to looking unto the law and soon the falls...
  5. tribesman

    Singleness of Purpose!

    For one to want to be one, it will be God who is giving that will. And for one to become born again it will also have to be God alone who make that happen. To God ALONE be the glory. Amen.
  6. tribesman

    Works righteousness.

    This discussion have derailed, if you ask me.
  7. tribesman

    Works righteousness.

    Those who teach so are of course wrong. However it does not mean that a person is righteous before God just because he is not outwardly murder or stealing. If we just see the Bible as a set of rules of do:s and don't:s about outward things we might end up with nothing else than a mere moralistic...
  8. tribesman

    Singleness of Purpose!

    No sinner want to go to heaven unless God worketh in them both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
  9. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    I can't agree in full. As gruesome as these sins were, they do not represent blasphemy or sin against the Holy Spirit. I would far more see that "final impenitence" is that very sin. The final hardening against the Holy Spirit conviction of sin. It's when that door of reconciliation is shut for...
  10. tribesman

    Download link for Christian Chat desktop application for Windows

    Adobe Air is no-go for me with its framework issues. So I'll pass it by. Ty anyways.
  11. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    I can concur with all this. However, saying that the murder of Stephen equaled the unpardonable sin, I'd not go that far. Among the crowd that stood there and gave their approval of the stoning, some might later on having repented and believed. We can also name the conversion of the very apostle...
  12. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    Writing error bro? You know what John 17:3 says.
  13. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    Can't recall I have heard about this before. I have to check this up. Not sure I understand you correctly here. Stoning a holy and just man would certainly be abominable in the eyes of God and a sin unto death, which meant that guilty should be put to death. But to call that an unforgivable sin...
  14. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    Can't recall that I have heard anything about Acts 7 as to "postpone" the 70th week. Usually it's the Temple destruction in AD 70 that marks a landmark of the countdown. When do you mean that baptism of gentiles "ended"?
  15. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    It's called preterism. I hold to partial preterism (and amillenialism), seeing all the prophecies save for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ as being fulfilled. "The end of the world" inclusive. I am quiet far from a literalistic, physical interpretation of Isa. 61:1-2. The ruins and desolate...
  16. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    Depends what you mean with Israel, if by that is meant the promises made to Abraham, then, yes, wherever that applies to gentiles being made righteous it's valid. If someone was expecting Jesus to be accepted by the Sanhedrin and set up a Messianic Kingdom at that time in Jerusalem one had to...
  17. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    I have to say that I do see a danger in (effectively) making Jesus and Paul "cult founders", so to speak. Jesus did not start a new "religion", neither did Paul. They do not contradict each other and none of them contradict the OT and the Saints of old. I hope most would agree with this. With...
  18. tribesman

    Lordship salvation vs. "easy believism"

    I remember when Pastor Phelps said in a sermon:
  19. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    I can't see what Jesus would not have instructed Peter and the other apostles regarding baptism and that they needed additional revelation for same. As for the cleansing work it seems Peter needed the vision he got though. Do you hold to that there are "two" gospels that are preached, one for...
  20. tribesman

    Works righteousness.

    James is hammering home the relation between believing and working sufficiently clear in his epistle. But going into this thing about working and sinning is another wheel to spin.