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  1. tribesman

    Great man of God, Rev. Ian Paisley R.I.P.

    Ian Paisley Dead: Former Democratic Unionist Party Leader Dies Aged 88
  2. tribesman

    Enter in at the strait gate

    The gate or door according to Luke 13:24, just as also the way, is Jesus himself (with the grace of God, which He has won for us through His suffering and death.) John 10:7, 9. The call can be translated as 'Believe in me (and what I've come to do)'. The gate is narrow and the way is narrow for...
  3. tribesman

    Should a Husband beat his wife

    The rant stopped, at least for now.
  4. tribesman

    Prov.17:15, what does it mean to you?

    It is written: What say ye about this scripture?
  5. tribesman

    Harry Potter bad?

    Shall I interpret this as a defense for mormons? As if a defense of HP and C.S. Lewis wasn't alarming enough. Oh, btw, mormons don't "love" the Bible, they read it with their cult glasses.
  6. tribesman

    The meaty part

    Confuse sanctification with justification and condition with fruit and you shall have no gospel.
  7. tribesman

    Pope Benedict XVI to resign/leave office

    Pope Benedict XVI has announced he will resign on February 28th, saying he no longer had the strength to fulfill the duties of his office. The 85-year-old Pope announced his decision in Latin during a meeting of Vatican cardinals on Monday morning. "After having repeatedly examined my...
  8. tribesman

    God's freewill vs. Mankind's election

    Even that is not our work, bro. It is God's doing. "Not of yourselves". Sleepytime
  9. tribesman

    Lukewarmness or lukewarmism etc...just what is it?

    It is written: Lukewarm...a miserable condition. What say ye that it is? Inputs from any angle or traditional or nontraditional perspective welcome.
  10. tribesman

    Jesus 2nd coming/rapture

  11. tribesman

    A Clear Understanding of Gospel Repentance

    A Clear Understanding of Gospel Repentance Gospel repentance is a repentance which comes as the gift of God by the Holy Spirit as He enlightens our minds to the Gospel — God’s promise to save guilty...
  12. tribesman

    Baptism and Faith: Just Whose Work Is It?

    Baptism and Faith: Just Whose Work Is It? by Dr. Richard Shuta Jesus says, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by me" (John 14: 6). But how do we come to see Jesus as God’s Truth...
  13. tribesman

    RH Bill yes or no?

    What says you?
  14. tribesman

    The myth of "head" vs "heart" knowledge

    It is not good to lean unto one's own understanding (or self). We must learn to trust God. We are to be like children in our trust in God but we are not to be like children in knowledge. Many professing christians are refusing to believe that God through the Holy Spirit in the Word really can...
  15. tribesman

    How much does your personal experiences affect your faith?

    Only one choice applies, so it will be clear where you lay your emphasis. Of course you may explain your views further, if you wish.
  16. tribesman

    Marion Wiliams - It is well with my soul (1963)
  17. tribesman

    Knesset Member tore up the New Testament

    Knesset Member MK Michael Ben-Ari ,מיכאל בן ארי, of National Union Party has ripped up a copy of the NT, sent by a missionary organization to all MK members, referring to it as a despicable and "antisemitic" book, responsible for the...
  18. tribesman

    The offensive teachings of Jesus (in John 6)

    Jesus was very popular with many when He performed His miracles, healed and delivered lots of people, gave justice to the victimized, translated water into wine, performed the multiplication of loaves miracle etc. It was certainly a great time being a disciple in those days. Many people's lives...
  19. tribesman

    The Disturbing Legacy of Charles Finney

    The Disturbing Legacy of Charles Finney by Dr. Michael Horton Jerry Falwell calls him "one of my heroes and a hero to many evangelicals, including Billy Graham." I recall wandering through the Billy Graham Center some years ago, observing the place of honor given to Charles Finney in the...