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  1. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    Mind boggling if christians support talmudic and kabbalistic schools - and their damnable view on Jesus. Sad to say, but jews as a people and the state of Israel seems to have become an idol for many christians.
  2. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    I have to agree somewhat. I believe this is much down to all the emotionalism that there is to it. Since jews as a collective have suffered a lot for many centuries and have taking the heat from many sides for such a long time it's easy to have sympathies for them. Yet to come up to such...
  3. tribesman

    Can we be forgiven for sins we won't repent of?

    I see all genuine repentance as a fruit of regeneration.
  4. tribesman

    Can we be forgiven for sins we won't repent of?

    The question is: why would somebody even seek or ask for forgiveness for something he/she is not repenting of?
  5. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    Yes, indeed the gospel was preached also unto them, the Saints of old (Heb.4:2). Glory to God in the highest!
  6. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    Sounds like dispensational and futurist doctrine, of which I don't agree. I halt at the fact that God is able to graff in broken branches again and pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
  7. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    But that does not make all of them regenerate. Does it? So, the one/s who will turn away from God with uncircumcised hearts, even if bearing the covenant signs and seals, will end up cut-off. Yet God is able to graff them in again, should they turn from unbelief. Let's have a look at Romans 11...
  8. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    Would you see as a reality that some that are being in the covenant community, having the outward sign and seal of the covenant, yet are unregenerate?
  9. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    You do have a point there, e-g. We need to be mindful, especially as to professing christians but also whomsoever it may be. Richard Louw (from even told the mormons that "we have told you what you believe rather than ask you what to believe". There were too many times we went...
  10. tribesman

    Lordship salvation vs. "easy believism"

    Did God have to learn anything about Judas?
  11. tribesman

    Indian food!

    I cook indian vegetarian dishes several times per week. Curries, Vindaloo, Aloo Jeera, Aloo Gobi, Chole etc.
  12. tribesman

    What does to believe in/on Christ mean to you?

    It means to only trust and believe in Him for salvation. Not to trust man or self, only the God-man Christ Jesus. Thanks be to God for the gospel of salvation conditioned solely on the atoning blood and imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ ALONE!
  13. tribesman

    I Hope you are Ok... 🙏🏼

    Coronavirus: A Time of Repentance
  14. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    Well, thanks a lot Sir. Yet it seems I was only here yesterday, seeing these discussions.
  15. tribesman

    Lordship salvation vs. "easy believism"

    Both are errors. Trust and obey 'cos there's no other way, to feel happy in Jesus.
  16. tribesman

    Sunday Blue Laws, What's Its Foundation?

    I'd say: focus on the The Fourth Commandment instead of arguing over Saturday or Sunday.
  17. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    No replacement, only continuation. One people of the Most High. One covenant in Christ.
  18. tribesman

    Is the end near?

  19. tribesman

    The biblical canon...any books missing from the Bible that ought to be there?

    In another thread Kenneth made this input regarding books that didn't make it to, or were left out of, the canon: Elsewhere we have roman catholics/eoc and others who might want to suggest that the deuterocanonical books (OT Apocrypha) are to be in all bibles. We might also have people on the...
  20. tribesman

    Justice made in Dimapur?

    Anyone in the know of this incident? The background facts? Truth, for a change? Nagaland: Angry mob raids Dimapur Central Jail, lynches 35-year-old rape accused alleged to be ‘Bangladeshi infiltrator’ | The Indian Express