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  1. tribesman

    Let's Discuss Black Lives Matter...The Movement

    Who are behind the scenes to allow this to keep going on? Can you imagine white supremacist people doing the very same things as BLM do and get away with it? It would never happen. I thought naively that western countries and societies were done with all forms of racism and they had moved on...
  2. tribesman

    Let's Discuss Black Lives Matter...The Movement

    Burn, Loot, Murder (BLM).
  3. tribesman

    Looking for the Ephraimites, scattered among the Gentiles, since their Assyrian captivity of 740BC

    Any sure proofs of this by way of reliable sources? I am not saying it is impossible that so be, however I think of the christian caucasian world as more of having that leading role as Israel was supposed to have and also having the characteristics of the israelites, whether or not there be a...
  4. tribesman

    When did the church begin ?

    Always existed. Even in the days of Adam.
  5. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    Call it sophisticated if you like. It's biblical. :cool:
  6. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    Well, we don't take anything, we just continue in what was already there. :coffee:
  7. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    Well, not totally, since there is both an inward and outward sign. They work together, so to speak. Yes, the Holy Spirit is the inward seal of the outward symbol/seal water baptism, hence water baptism also being the outward sign of an inward reality. Hoping we're still onto track and not...
  8. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    These scriptures are to be accounted for. However, the lack of sign and seal does not necessarily make salvation/justification totally impossible, does it? Abraham was righteous even before circumcision, as Rom.4:3-15 says. Also, it is not totally impossible that such practices as circumcision...
  9. tribesman

    Singleness of Purpose!

    The old man has no choice, let alone any will of getting right with God. It is indeed impossible for him to possess any of these qualities. I believe it is only the new man who can positively respond to God's calling. The entire initiative for walking with God comes from God alone, not the old...
  10. tribesman

    Works righteousness.

    Hopefully you're only a nutcase. If you have mental problems, just seek a doctor.
  11. tribesman

    Works righteousness.

    Where else are the heretics if not at these boards? They are always holier than thou and know it all, and all of what they are saying just me, myself and I. Sigh.
  12. tribesman

    Works righteousness.

    I don't think you are proud, you ARE very proud. Shame on you for it at such age and all. Besides this you are deluded by the heresies that SDA teaches.
  13. tribesman

    Works righteousness.

    Enjoy the ride. Not.
  14. tribesman

    Works righteousness.

    Confession and absolution are both biblical.
  15. tribesman

    Works righteousness.

    The bell rings, eventually. Sin focused people are usually down in it themselves. They would be ranting about sin and then themselves yet are accusing others falsely, bearing false witness against their neighbors and teaching and believing heresies. All of it - sin. Too common on forums.
  16. tribesman

    Lordship salvation vs. "easy believism"

    Not 100% sure if I can recall the exact definition of that term. I would hold to what Luther wrote in his "The Bondage of the will". That is very sure.
  17. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    Well, thanks. I guess you have some dispensational background, seeing the stress you make of an earthly millenium with Israel as leading nation. Although, as you understand, I am not in full agreement, there are some interesting things you brought up. So, since you say we can opt out water...
  18. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    Avoid auto typing and correctives. And, ya, why could not God have saved people in americas or southern africa that time through dreams or visions. The Spirit leading them to avoid uncleanliness and such. Who are we to set a limit for that? And I am very OK with God doing so. :)
  19. tribesman

    Lordship salvation vs. "easy believism"

    Ya, I like that one word "freely". God's free will!
  20. tribesman

    Works righteousness.

    Yes, it is through grace that we are enabled to be law-keepers. Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith (Heb.12:2). Not looking unto self.