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  1. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    Ya, we better avoid that. :) But, again referring to water baptism as relevant to "one Israel", don't you believe that Cornelius was baptized in water?
  2. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    Man, we are are as far as east is from the west on that one. Baptism is far more than a public declaration, it means to put on Christ and it is really a means by which God works, not a work of man. Who can apply? Believers and their children. There is really no age-limit for the reception of...
  3. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    Sounds like dispensationalism to me. I do not agree with this. I see no reason why a believer should not want to be baptized. And I am not sure how your statement fits in with the topic of replacement theology.
  4. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    That's another topic altogether. I hope we won't go down that road of having the Apostles saying that water baptism is a goody thing, but it's optional. Water baptism is a sign and seal of the covenant. That's On-Topic.
  5. tribesman

    Can we be forgiven for sins we won't repent of?

    If someone won't repent of his/her sin then it makes no sense to ask and seek forgiveness for same. Since there is no real conviction of that sin to begin with.
  6. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    But we have anesthesia now, should anyone insist to keep it going. :D Well, today baptism has replaced circumcision as the covenant sign and seal.
  7. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    A covenant community sharing the covenant signs and seals, yet with some having circumcised hearts whilst others have uncircumcised hearts. That's how I explain the spiritual vs the fleshly. And we can see that big time in christianity today with so much baptized people and both groups represented.
  8. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    Sort of painstakingly, yes. :) Anyway, these fellas were counted as jews and was one Israel with their fellow israelites. And that same principle of one Israel, one people of God, follows on into the NT. There was/is no "gentile Israel" or a "gentile church". Interesting reference to Exodus...
  9. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    A bit better. And what did that mean in practice, as you see it, other than circumcision and keeping in with all commandments that applied?
  10. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    I never said that I don't agree that gentiles had to convert. It's the term "judaism" and what you put in it that I was asking about. Exodus 12:48 does not use either the word "jew" or "judaism". Now, let's see if you have an answer to my question.
  11. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    When was the term "judaism" created? And what kind of "judaism" did gentiles of old convert to? These are interesting questions. By any stretch, I can't think it plausible to speak of a "gentile church", let alone "gentile judaism" in the days of old. No, as one united people, they'd all be seen...
  12. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    You are very right about that. Some christians are very naive about Hamas and other palestinian radicals. They don't understand that they themselves are the next targets of these people, once they're done with the jews. Those ecumenical clergy people who like to hang out with imams and the local...
  13. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    We do have different views here, as well as today as many years ago. I do see these prophecies as already fulfilled in the person and work of Jesus Christ. What is not yet fulfilled is His return. And all the elect even among the jews shall surely be gathered before His return. We can rest well...
  14. tribesman


    The other way around, of course. It's that depraved nature which causes sin and death - Rom.5:12.
  15. tribesman

    Jerusalem Is The Whore, Mystery Babylon The Great, The Seven Hilled City

    Interesting post. They seem to be somehow combined, the two cities, the whore and the beast.
  16. tribesman

    Jacob and Esau, who do we resemble most?

    It's a very good question. I have to say that I see this edomitic thinking in many believers despiteful attitude towards the Lord's supper or communion or the sacrament of the altar. They despise the reality of the real presence and think too low of the bread of wine being mere symbols. Leaning...
  17. tribesman

    Demons believe the gospel but are not saved, what is missing?

    I don't see any verse that says that demons believe the gospel. Hiya Angela! :cool:
  18. tribesman

    Can we be forgiven for sins we won't repent of?

    Maybe we can ask the question the other way around: why would we not want to repent of our sin?
  19. tribesman

    Replacement theology.

    Yes, a remnant chosen by the Most High. I rest very content in that there is but one single elect gospel-believing Israel revealed in the Scriptures (both in the OT and the NT). I leave the gainsayers to their own speculations and errors.
  20. tribesman


    Inherited sin is not a choice, it's a nature. Personal sin is a choice.