But why include it in the word of God if it is only for Israel? Jesus was also mainly speaking to the jews but we take his word as law so the idea that parts of the bible were for the jews and not for us doesn't add up
Many are still failing to realize today, that in the past when God wanted to give revelation to men?
It was done through Israel first. So when the Church age first began? It was business as usual with
Jews first getting from God = what the rest of the world was about to learn.
I looked the following up.....
[Commentary of FIRST CORINTHIANS. Based upon the Greek New Testament.
Verse by verse Study by Ernest R. Campbell. Canyonview Press. Silverton OR.]
Excerpt ... my notes.
Adding together the signs, miracles, healings and languages (tongues), we have a total of 107 miraculous items
mentioned in the New Testament. Even though in the Synoptic Gospels a few of them may refer to the same incidents,
it is a formidable number which confronts every serious Bible student.
There is another interesting fact regarding these miraculous items; they are found in only ten of the 27 books in the
New Testament. These books refer to different periods. First, the time during which the truth regarding the Messianic
Kingdom was presented to Israel, contained in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Second, the time during which the
Messianic Kingdom was offered to Israel, contained in the first seven chapters of Acts.
Third, the time which Jesus of Nazareth was being confirmed as the Messiah to Israel, contained in chapters 8-28
of Acts, Romans,First and Second Corinthians, First Thessalonians and Hebrews (Heb. 2:3-4 refers to confirmatory
signs and miracles).
Now here's the kicker.....
It's very important to observe that all ten books that contain signs and gifts were either written
directly to Israel or written during the time the Messiahship of Jesus was being confirmed and
verified to the nation of Israel. In other words, whenever God's covenant people, Israel, were
either in the foreground or background, sign gifts were either present or lurking in the shadows
( 1 Cor. 1:22).