The issue with that being only for israel is that many have dreams and visions even now who are not Israel so if the prophecy was only to Israel then why do so many have this exact thing happen to them?
And what makes the word of God irrelevant to one but not to another if it is the word of God then it should be treated as such meaning it should not be a one sized fit for some and not so for others otherwise we can choose what part of his word we can apply as we see fit
This is how cherry picking happens if we consider the bible the sacred word of God then we should be able to use all of it and apply all of it not some here and not some there if it was only for a specific group of people then that makes the word of God not really his word to believers and the evidence of this prophecy not being just for Israel is already here I am not from Israel but I have many visions how do you explain that?
Well, our bible school teacher taught us not to argue about the question of echatologie.
According my understanding not all the word of god is for all people. So the specific prophecies which made for the nation of Israel are not for all mankind. I know that the pentecostal and also the charismatic doctrine uses Joel for to explain their view.
I see it difficult to interprete the bible in this way that it is supporting the individual view.
It is to distinguish to whom a text is given and for what purpose.
Solong the nation of Israel has not turned to christ. Joel's prophecie will not come. But it will be at the end of the tribulation time.
About dreams and visions. You may have dream and visions. Also people in cults and pagan religions have dreams and visions.
It is the question who is the Initiator of this dreams and visions. Is it God ore is this someone else.