You are right in certain ways.
But although rare, it DOES happen people can change their mind on an issue. I am a testament to that on this issue.
But although rare, it DOES happen people can change their mind on an issue. I am a testament to that on this issue.
At one time I used to think my behavior, or sin, could at some point result in my loss of Salvation. This is destructive thinking for many reasons, and actually results in a believer committing MORE sin as they try not to sin, resulting in constant unsurety if that last sin broke the camel's back.
This is counterintuitive to human reasoning. The Holy Spirit through loving, mature believers, and the Word, opened my eyes to the folly of that doctrine many yrs ago.
The whole purpose of the Law, which Paul refers to as the "ministry of death" because NO ONE can keep it and anyone attempting to justify themselves by trying to keep it will eternally die, is to point people to Jesus Christ.
Once the impetus to try as hard as I could not sin was removed, I began to sin LESS! I know. Completely counterintuitive to human logic! But as I relied more and more on JESUS to keep me saved, the pressure was off ME trying to help Jesus keep me saved, resulting in the freedom Scripture talks about.
This is counterintuitive to human reasoning. The Holy Spirit through loving, mature believers, and the Word, opened my eyes to the folly of that doctrine many yrs ago.
The whole purpose of the Law, which Paul refers to as the "ministry of death" because NO ONE can keep it and anyone attempting to justify themselves by trying to keep it will eternally die, is to point people to Jesus Christ.
Once the impetus to try as hard as I could not sin was removed, I began to sin LESS! I know. Completely counterintuitive to human logic! But as I relied more and more on JESUS to keep me saved, the pressure was off ME trying to help Jesus keep me saved, resulting in the freedom Scripture talks about.
So to some extent you are right about debates going on and on, but there are many people who sit on the sidelines not saying anything, just watching and reading, who may be deeply confused on an important issue like this one. It's not about winning an argument with the person you are engaging. It's about getting information and views out to the audience at large. And who knows? Maybe through the Holy Spirit you CAN get that person to see error.
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