Everlasting-Grace said:
I believe again what the word says.
for God so loved the world. He gave his only son,
that whoever (in that world) believe in him, will NEVER PERISH. and they will LIVE FOREVER.
Just like then Moses lifted the Serpent. Those
who looked in faith lived. those
who chose to not look becaus
e of unbelief, well
they were condemned already. If they did not repent. and look. they would suffer their fate/
If they chose to repent and believe and looked. They would not die.
Your quotes and your highlights of Scripture:
that whoever (in that world) believe in him
Those who looked in faith lived
those who chose to not look because of unbelief, well they were condemned already
If they did not repent. and look. they would suffer their fate
If they chose to repent and believe and looked. They would not die.
There seems to be a lot of things men need to choose and do in order to be saved:
- They must [hear and learn to] believe
- They must look in faith
- They must repent and look
- They must choose to repent and believe and look.
So, men must [hear and learn] and chose to repent and believe and look to be saved?
And once they do all of this and are "saved", they don't have to do anything - or where do you go from here?
If you have done all of this
1. You are justified (declaired righteous, or innocent) Rom 3, 4, 5, 8, 1 cor 6, Gal 3, Titus 3,
2. You are redeemed Gal 3, 1 peter 1, rev 5
3. You are adopted as Gods child, romans 8, eph 1
4. You have been made alive in Christ and are no longer dead to God , eph 2, Col 2, 1 peter 2
5. You have been given EVERY spiritual blessing under heaven eph 1
6. You have been baptized into Christ, His death and his burial, into his body. and into himself romans 6, gal 5, 1 cor 12
7. You have been given the spirit as a pledge until the day of redemption. 2 cor 2, eph 1, eph 4
8.. You are no longer under law you are under grace. romans 6,
9, You have gods promise you will never hunger, never thirst. you will live forever. never perish, never die, and you will be raised John 6
10, we have been perfected forever. heb 10
I can go on and on and on. But I hope you see the picture.
what happens then?
We are babes.
we need fed milk
we need to grow
we need to abide in Christ if we want to produce fruit.
We need to work out our salvation and be lights to the world.. to draw others to Christ.
we also have Gods promise
1. If we leave, he will come after us
2. He will never leave nor forsake us
3. when we get out of line. Like Jonah, he will chasten us.. and redirect our path
4. He will conform us to his image.
He will keep his promise
From this I glean that you do believe men choose to believe or to reject God and/or Christ, which is all I asked you to clarify so I wouldn't assume what you think.
I have extensive exposure to some who would consider you to be a works salvationist based simply upon your belief (assuming I understand you correctly) that unbelievers choose to believe. And I'm not speaking of Calvinists.
Yes. I know a Calvinist thinks I believe in works.. That does not make them right.
sadly. I see people so against Calvinism, they do like many do. and go 180 degrees out to not even give them an inch.
I think this is what happens with the Calvinist debates people are so against this fatalistic view of God. they will not even give them any point of being true;. they must appose them at all cost..