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  1. E

    Following the Pastor

    You're not alone. There are so many all over the world who are feeling what you feel. I am one of them. This is why: 1Tim 3:1It is a trustworthy statement: if any man aspires to the office of [a]overseer, it is a fine work he desires to do. 2An overseer, then, must be above reproach, the...
  2. E

    Did Adam and Eve have glorified bodies?

    WAS... Christ IS now back in His original body.
  3. E

    Did Adam and Eve have glorified bodies?

    JohnB, NO they didn't, because they would have to go to Heaven to be judged. Imagine a glorified body stained by sin. You also forget, Jesus walked with Abraham, & he didn't have one either.
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    "Among The"

    That's the thing... it's alright to do this because they don't have men to teach, but they rather hire some greenhorn with pride issues to pastor, which is a grevious choice. It shows that such churches are both heavy-handed & immature at making spiritual decisions. For instance... they see a SS...
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    "Among The"

    At the very least, mensay womendon't have the right to teach men,buuut they teach most of the Sunday School classes & some are Youth leaders. Isn't that a double standard when it's alright to teach their "men" under 18-21?
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    T H E G R E A T E S T H Y P O C R I S Y ! ! !

    My one desire is that someone reads this & allows the Holy Spirit to minister to their hearts. Please consider carefully what's been written. It may not be you in need, It may be someone in your church that's in need. We are all Jesus' hands extended, & know God can use you as long as you have a...
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    T H E G R E A T E S T H Y P O C R I S Y ! ! !

    Wasn't that thread last week? Didn't I say just his writings alone shows he wrote about devils & mythological creatures, & not giving God glory? Didn't I say he destroyed his own credibility by those things let alone he drank & smoked? Didn't I say he shouldn't be lifted so highly on a pedestal...
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    T H E G R E A T E S T H Y P O C R I S Y ! ! !

    If I post to defend myself, I distract from the message. If I don't post I look guilty of what I am accused of. If I quit posting for that, the Op goes dead. In the land of decision...
  9. E

    T H E G R E A T E S T H Y P O C R I S Y ! ! !

    Listen carefully to what I am about to say....The greatest hypocrisy in the church are those with well-intentioned actions in church that preach, teach, & worship as if they are legitimately spiritual, but are not. Well-intentioned because they want to do the right things, worship the right way...
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    T H E G R E A T E S T H Y P O C R I S Y ! ! !

    I just have one more question for you guys: Wouldn't this Op been better if I posted all the posts as one & kept it together? I kinda feel with some of the posts that it may have been too distracting to divide it up the way I did.:unsure:
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    T H E G R E A T E S T H Y P O C R I S Y ! ! !

    It's ok, really. Maybe I need to reword something. Perhaps their intentions were to "hypocrit" only until things got better, thinking eventually they would, but they were deceiving themselves.
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    T H E G R E A T E S T H Y P O C R I S Y ! ! !

    Those with good intentions do so with the idea of somehow getting back to where they need to be with the Lord but never make it. So they continue on, never getting back & finally accept the copying of others's material as using good resources & it becomes the new normal.
  13. E

    T H E G R E A T E S T H Y P O C R I S Y ! ! !

    Continued... NOW is the time to confess our spiritual ineffectiveness. NOW is the time to admit our spiritual deafness & blindness. NOW is the time to repent of our sins while we can still recognize them! Please.... consider your ways. Seek the Lord while He can still be found. Let's sanctify...
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    T H E G R E A T E S T H Y P O C R I S Y ! ! !

    So, what were you trying to do here?
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    T H E G R E A T E S T H Y P O C R I S Y ! ! !

    There are those who are suspicious of others whenever any kind of ministry is concerned. I get it, I do it myself. But... to openly oppose someone without first proving whether they're wrong, or damaging to the body of Christ(false doctrine), that in & of itself gets me suspicious because...
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    T H E G R E A T E S T H Y P O C R I S Y ! ! !

    Perhaps that's the reason I'm posting here. We don't always know the reasons why, we're just led to do it.
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    Where will you spend eternity?

    She's been quiet the last few hours, lol
  18. E

    T H E G R E A T E S T H Y P O C R I S Y ! ! !

    Not only is much of the church going thru this, but the amount of spiritual warfare is increasing by leaps & bounds. The "prince of the power of the air" is increasing in the world to an extent that even worldly people know something's up. Knowing such evil abounds in the world, should we not...
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    T H E G R E A T E S T H Y P O C R I S Y ! ! !

    And if they were only my words, you'd be right.
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    T H E G R E A T E S T H Y P O C R I S Y ! ! !

    God uses the internet a lot. Since God is unlimited when He has something to say, He uses what He pleases & whom He pleases. We have no say in the matter, except to accept or reject. I will say this of myself: I DON'T CARE if anyone's impressed or not. Those of CC should know by now where I...