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  1. E

    Transgender pain

    I would offer a suggestion: If there is hate in your life from an early age, that usually points to spiritual problems such as spiritual oppression/possession. you really need to find a minister who believes in deliverance ministry & allow him/her & their prayer partners to pray for you. In the...
  2. E

    Is it not time to come out from among them & be separate?!?

    You've been put on ignore, cause I've grown weary of your narcissistic attitude.
  3. E

    Is it not time to come out from among them & be separate?!?

    "Let the record show", a narcissistic tendency of turning the attention to another for your lack of answering about yourself. He won't answer... he never does when it's personal about him. Let the record show that.;)
  4. E

    Is it not time to come out from among them & be separate?!?

    Are you looking for a church to attend?
  5. E

    Following the Pastor

    So, with your training you haven't considered starting a Bible study group or a house church? Plus, there's also the internet.
  6. E

    Is it not time to come out from among them & be separate?!?

    No, some may not be apostate, but they are probably going into judgment because judgment begins at the house of God. All of this needs to take place before Jesus comes, so He can prepare His bride. Knowing that the tribulation is going to be the worst condemnation ever, we should watch for...
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    Following the Pastor

    So you're not going to church either?
  8. E

    Following the Pastor

    Is there any way you can start a separate ministry that does the same things outside of this church? Or, could it be time to finish this ministry & go independantly with another? Something to think about.
  9. E

    Is there a difference between being saved and salvation, and the new covenant?

    What I'm constantly reading is "I don't believe what you're saying", "I don't know much about that book", "I don't know what that means", etc, yet you can pull out scriptures left & right that say your beliefs are correct. That's too selective to be real. So Jacob, how long are you going to...
  10. E

    Is it not time to come out from among them & be separate?!?

    Thank you, I'll take all the prayer I can get.:) I was hoping others would respond, so we could all pray for them as well.
  11. E

    Is it not time to come out from among them & be separate?!?

    Actually, about 14 people who felt this way have already left in the past 2 years. My wife & I have held on, hoping & praying for repentance & change. Judgment is coming instead.:(
  12. E

    Following the Pastor

    I guess I got my answer.
  13. E

    Is it not time to come out from among them & be separate?!?

    Let's see, where to start... I'm not, I will not say anything either good or bad. Go in peace.
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    Following the Pastor

    Well, then, tell us what you understand it to be & answer my question in the way you understand it to be.
  15. E

    Is it not time to come out from among them & be separate?!?

    Yes. All the points mentioned are currently happening at our church, & I'm praying about leaving. My wife already made it clear she wants to.
  16. E

    Following the Pastor

    You of all people know that already. There are sinners that know the answer to that.
  17. E

    Following the Pastor

    So are you looking for a church right now?
  18. E

    The Questions Christians Hope No One Will Ask

    I wouldn't try to answer their questions because these things are to be spiritually discerned, & sinners wouldn't be able to do that. What I would do is admonish them to pray & give Jesus a chance to minister directly to them. Once saved, those questions will no longer matter to them.:)
  19. E

    Is it not time to come out from among them & be separate?!?

    There are some on CC that are going thru some things spiritually. ⦁ They don't feel like they're being fed anymore in their church. When they come home, they don't even feel better because they went to church. Some actually feel worse for going. ⦁ They fell spiritually uneasy with their...
  20. E

    Following the Pastor

    I hear you, really I do. But leaving church altogether is not the answer. True believers cannot be islands... we can't make it on our own. How could we bear one another's burdens, fulfilling the law of Christ? (Galatians 6:2) Yes, you may do good things here, but CC isn't a church. We've...