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  1. E

    'Turning from sin'

    It has been my experience in chats that as soon as 'works' are mentioned anywhere near salvation, the 'antiworks crew" comes out in droves looking for conflict. A true christian shouldn't be afraid to take a stand for the Faith, neither be afraid when accused falsely. Have we not been told to...
  2. E

    'Turning from sin'

    Works are not required for salvation. They're only required to prove & stay saved.
  3. E

    Where is the Trustworthy Protector of Israel?

    We see the elitists destroying govt economies & instilling fear as they do. I have always thought the 'peace' the Antichrist will bring is economic peace, but now I also think he will bring epidemic peace as well. Be rest assured that he will 'fix' only what his followers have created in the...
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    Proverbs 26:4 and 26:5

    The Nas: 4Do not answer a fool according to his foolishness, Or you will also be like him. 5Answer a fool as his foolishness deserves, So that he will not be wise in his own eyes. Always check the different translations to help find the answer, making sure they agree.
  5. E

    An End-time Revival??!!??

    To you who question whether God is judging His church... He is. Will everyone respond favoribly? No. Some will totally follow thru, some will start &quit, while others will continue on with their religious zeal as if nothing happened. Mat 7:13“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and...
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    An End-time Revival??!!??

    This judgment isn't a condemning judgment, because when God judges His people, it's chastisement to bring spiritual restoration.
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    An End-time Revival??!!??

    Sorry for my absence, been a little busy. I do believe in a revival during the tribulation, as someone said. However, because the bride as a whole is not ready for Christ's coming after all the preaching&teaching, judgment is already at hand to turn them & get them ready during this falling...
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    An End-time Revival??!!??

    With God's standard of judgment starting first with the House of God, what else are we to expect before the great final judgment of the world??
  9. E

    An End-time Revival??!!??

    The falling away has already begun, who knows how many years ago. I agree totally with the last sentence. These 'largest' congregations are being filled up with the fallen away from the dying churches.
  10. E

    An End-time Revival??!!??

    Many have preached about Jesus getting His bride ready for His coming. I believe this judgment- to-restoration has already begun. Churches all over are losing members, others have no pastors to feed them, & many are closing. The funny thing is most churches don't want to talk about this...
  11. E

    An End-time Revival??!!??

    I present this scripture as an example of how God deals with His church. 1Peter 4:12,13(NASB) Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though something strange were happening to you; 13but to the degree that you share the...
  12. E

    An End-time Revival??!!??

    So how many of us has heard that in the last days there's going to come an end-time revival? Where then are the big meetings, the high powered evangelists, & the praise & worship ensambles? When's it going to start? Is it going to be world wide? As close as we are to the coming of the Lord, you...
  13. E

    I was just in a Christian chat room (not here)

    Hi Tanaya, It can be a little confusing taking in so much content. I may have a proper solution for you. Hebrews 4: 14Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let’s hold firmly to our confession. 15For we do not have a high priest...
  14. E

    Metaphorically speaking, who is the woman with the ten silver coins in Luke 15: 8-10?

    Usually there is no specific person, named or otherwise in a parable. It is to keep the focus on the illustrated story itself & its teaching.
  15. E

    Church leadership, or hierarchy

    I have discovered that sometimes the 'qualification' to minister to others is simply to see the need.. When I was about 18, I was praying about some problems in my youth group, saying somebody needs to tell them about their sins. I heard a voice saying "Why don't you do it?" & immediately saw a...
  16. E

    Desiring the truth vs. loving the truth

    Herein lies the problem. Many who are "seekers" are not seeking real truth, they're seeking something NEW. This is why the televangelists have to come up with something new every once in a while to keep their members satisfied.
  17. E

    Secrets of the Kingdom

    There may be times things are concealed. For instance, judgment happens first at the house of God. God will speak thru preachers/teachers to a church & the people reject it. Yes, it was revealed at the beginning, but when the judgment begins, it is concealed from the ones it's happening to. No...
  18. E

    Pre-Destination, God's Foreknowledge and Choice

    Isn't it ironic that many in CC dislike churches that "lord it over" their members & decide not to go, only to come on here & do the same thing to other members? He that judges does the same things. Jesus said those who desire to be greatest among you must become servant of all. The proper...
  19. E

    question: Can an unsaved person be baptized in the Holy Spirit?

    Just because it isn't written doesn't mean it didn't happen. Cornelius' house was saved & baptized in the Holy Spirit BEFORE they were water baptized.