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  1. E

    The Gathering of Ourselves Together

    The writer of Hebrews taught to never forsake gathering together not as something to do, but for the christian's benefit for unity & spiritual health. One only needs to look right here on CC to see that those who don't go to church(not looking for one) get bitter, & that bitterness is commonly...
  2. E

    The Gathering of Ourselves Together

    That time is the Lord's day, established by the apostles. It isn't the day that's the problem, it's what they do with it in their hearts. That, my friend, is shameful.
  3. E

    Are some more blessed than others in heaven?

    Matt 10:42 And whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward.” Those in Hell will be rewarded for their works as well.
  4. E

    Not Attending Church

    Is it me or is someone trying to get out of going to church & excuse themselves? Hopefully, it's me. :)
  5. E

    The Gathering of Ourselves Together

    What I see in your post, esp the last part, is that God wants us to work together in love, no matter where we are. Nevertheless, we work together the best when we work as one congregation. When two or three are gathered together in His name, He's in the midst. There's times I need to be in His...
  6. E

    Not Attending Church

    So I'm the bad guy AGAIN because you don't go to church?!? Why are you deflecting on me when I wasn't talking to you? I think everyone on here would feel a lot better if you dealt with your problem & found a good church to go to! Quit blaming me for your problems!
  7. E

    Not Attending Church

    It is my opinion that separated christians cannot be in the will of God because they can't minister to others, neither can they be ministered to. We can't be a part of the body while in separate pieces. 1Cor 12:18But now God has arranged the parts, each one of them in the body, just as He...
  8. E

    Not Attending Church

    No, they are not of any use. And, no, I don't believe they can offer the united body anything because: 1. The united body they left is going into judgment(disipline) 2. Satan wants believers separated so they can't help anyone. Believers need one another. We can't bear one another's burdens if...
  9. E

    Is God's Grace Sufficient to Keep Us from Sinning?

    Paul dealt with his own sin all the time. Are we better than him?
  10. E

    Is it not time to come out from among them & be separate?!?

    Me too, G.A., me too. I can't stop the distractions, but I can expose the distractors.
  11. E

    The Ignore Button Features

    Oh, yeah. Sometimes it seems like posting in a day care full of brats, other times, someone's getting hurt over something the didn't understand in the first place. I stated my thoughts about a supposed "christian" author a few weeks ago, now one very popular member comes on every thread I write...
  12. E

    Is God's Grace Sufficient to Keep Us from Sinning?

    In actions alone, maybe, but not in our thoughts. I am no longer under the curse of sin(the inner man), but the outer man is still under the curse. That's why flesh & blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. Paul explained he had a thorn in his flesh (caused him to sin) to keep him humble. I...
  13. E

    The Ignore Button Features

    Naw, I'm still here, enjoying the free entertainment(your turn).:)
  14. E

    Is it not time to come out from among them & be separate?!?

    Sly move...but when did I declare myself to be a prophet at all? You are right about one thing though...You don't care about me, what you really care about is distracting the readers from the thread, causing them to leave, because nobody wants to listen to such foolishness. Strongly disagree...
  15. E

    The Ignore Button Features

    Yep,I got that right. I would say more, but he would just deflect or manipulate the convo. This way I"ll "take his binky" away from him.:D
  16. E

    Is it not time to come out from among them & be separate?!?

    I brought him back off ignore, because I realized I can't keep an eye on him that way.:sneaky:
  17. E

    The Ignore Button Features

    You said this, so you are deflecting me. Accusing me of deflection while doing the actual deflection. Ooh the irony of it all....:rolleyes::eek: Next thing you know, he will say I am deflecting the deflection of his deflecting.;)
  18. E

    The Ignore Button Features

    Actually I was talking about you.:D
  19. E

    The Ignore Button Features

    Well, if you mentioned it was written by a dummy, it would not bother sensitive people & be much more believable.:ROFL::LOL::D
  20. E

    The Ignore Button Features

    How do you undo an ignore?