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  1. E

    The Sin of Pride

    I think being proud of my accomplishments is also the sin of pride. Hear me out: It's not so much we're happy with our accomplishments, which is fine. But the real problem is when we cross the line in pride because we don't know where that line is. Most people cross that line without even...
  2. E

    Principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world

    When one considers how much through the years history has been falsely written in favor / disfavor by the writers, we can't trust them. But we can still read author's stories penned by their own hand. Lewis is held high in the eyes of liberal christians who think nothing of the characters he...
  3. E

    Principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world “Lewis is as energetic and jolly as ever, but getting too much publicity for his or any of...
  4. E

    Principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world

    An excerpt from the NY Times: In the United States, among Lewis's Protestant devotees, there is an analogous awkwardness about his passion for alcohol and tobacco. Some of Lewis's American publishers actually ask for...
  5. E

    Why… we are not… and will not… go through the Tribulation.

    It seems to me you're saying there's no Holy Spirit involvement during the tribulation. Am I correct?
  6. E

    Framework of Understanding: a Brief Summary

    James 3:13Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom. 14But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. 15This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is...
  7. E

    Framework of Understanding: a Brief Summary

    Amen! Totally agree! The rhema word is claimed by anybody to "certify" their word is godly & nobody should question it. All we need to see is that their "rhema" word is used constantly above the logos word. In the end they elevate "their" words above God's. Amen again! Sadly, though, many...
  8. E

    Principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world

    God does speak directly to our minds, but not all such things are of God. This is why we are to test the spirits to see if they are of God or not.(1 John 4:1-6) This 'testing' isn't just what prophets say, but everything said to us, audibly or otherwise. I fully agree with most of what you...
  9. E

    Principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world

    I don't trust anything CS Lewis has written. Not at all.
  10. E

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    I'm not accepting people I don't know saying, "This person wrote..." We're living in a world of disinformation. How foolish to receive blindly what some PHD said. The elitists are controlling the govt. & universities.... How can you expect them NOT to be controlling the seminaries?
  11. E

    2 peter 19-22 understanding

    There is a time that God gives a person to repent. During that time, saints are to convince them to repent. Matt 18:15“If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. 16But if he does not listen, take...
  12. E

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    I'm irked when someone posts "So-and-so said Irenaeus wrote this & that", then someone else does the same things to counter it. Why not show us where to download his writings, or post directly his writings(with context) that plainly says it?
  13. E

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    You would think a subject as important as this would be often taught doctrine, common knowledge in the old church, but it isn't. For instance, Darby did write about it in the 19th century, & apparently he was the only one who wrote about it then. How many times do we go to the old books written...
  14. E

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    Tribulation saints. Many of them will be beheaded.
  15. E

    An End-time Revival??!!??

    I agree. This 'crumbling' is due to problems in leadership in the church. It seems they either promote or allow changes in doctrine, praise & worship, & drawing back from traditional preaching, teaching & worship. We shouldn't judge from outward appearances, yet the modern church's moral...
  16. E

    An End-time Revival??!!??

    Indeed, there are these & many more with other issues, showing the need for judgment because many in the church aren't ready for the return of our Lord. That & there needs to be a separation from those who will never get ready.
  17. E

    Demon possession in the old testament?

    I owned a Dake's & threw it away when I found out he was racist. He also got in some trouble with a young woman. I think he eventually divorced.
  18. E

    An End-time Revival??!!??

    That's the thing... all this bad stuff happening against the church will bring repentance for some because revivals have already come & gone & nothing's changed overall.
  19. E

    Demon possession in the old testament?

    While the OT doesn't say directly, it does indirectly. Examples: Moses vs. the magicians of Egypt, the witch of Endor, etc. ANY OT person showing power not of God is possessed, because one would have to be to possess such power.
  20. E

    Demon possession in the old testament?

    I usually like your posts, so don't think I'm harping on you. The REAL problem with the book of Enoch is that it's way too young to validate. Sure, there's a REAL book of Enoch(somewhere), but we can't prove by any means whether this younger version is a copy of the genuine. That's the reason...