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  1. Clayman

    A Few of the Scriptures that Make me Post-Millennial

    Yep sure for Peter seems to teach this as a metaphor. Satan was the ruler of the world, the world was in darkness, and men were in the world. We are the goods in the world the Lord came and plundered from Satan's house. I don't believe even the pharisees see Satan as the stronger man, Satan is...
  2. Clayman

    A Few of the Scriptures that Make me Post-Millennial

    Have to agree with you here, scripture seems to say Satan is bound now, But the spirit of Antichrist is in the world today. 1Jn 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit...
  3. Clayman

    A Few of the Scriptures that Make me Post-Millennial

    I admit I do not read much commentary or any old writings, but from a pre mill view Gill seems to be consistent in his writings and you may have misunderstood him, he has a spiritual view of this church age and a physical view of the millennium, like all dispeys? Also in his introduction to...
  4. Clayman

    A Few of the Scriptures that Make me Post-Millennial

    When I read verses like in Isaiah 9, it confirms my belief in a future kingdom period, for two reasons the first being it fits perfectly into my eschatology viewpoint, and second the opposite appears to be happening today. I mean lets go and ask randoms on the street what they think of the King...
  5. Clayman

    Should you say, 'Homosexuality is a Sin.'

    I think its important to highlight it as sin, its a more insidious sin, by that I mean it causes more guilt and shame and has bigger side effects, If the sin is highlighted and out in the light a Christian can easily overcome it, as one grows in Christ they more and more become Christ minded, so...
  6. Clayman

    A Few of the Scriptures that Make me Post-Millennial

    I think we all aim for this goal. While I can understand some of the reasoning of post mil I always have to dismiss it for I cant make all scripture line up looking at it through these lenses, for example so much of OT testament prophecy points to Israel the nation ruling the earth under their...
  7. Clayman

    Explanation of the A- millennial view.

    I just made the term up, maybe I have a strange sense of humor, but what I'm getting at is, what if some things in premil are correct and some things in amil are correct then why can't we just combine the correct things and believe them. Of course those who hold strictly to either view, and...
  8. Clayman

    Explanation of the A- millennial view.

    Haha sounds like your a multimillennialist, which I actually think makes the most sense, pre mills can see the problem with the 1000yr period being now, and amils can see the problem of Satan not bound now.
  9. Clayman

    Explanation of the A- millennial view.

    Hi Dirtman, I actually watched and enjoyed the vid although I don't agree with the amil viewpoint. I saw his representation of the pre trib rapture slightly disingenuous lol, I'm sure he knows proponents don't view the rapture as the second coming, although mocking viewpoints can be legit if...
  10. Clayman

    The war in heaven

    Happy to be corrected, although I do put Satan in a unique category I havnt actually heard of the seven heavens?
  11. Clayman

    The war in heaven

    Thanks, Live4Him The only thing I cant agree with is the fact that the timing seems specifically pointed to the first coming of Christ. When I read verse 1-5 I see it like this. Revelation 12 is in regards to the woman who is Israel and how she relates to the last days. Rev 12:1 And there...
  12. Clayman

    The war in heaven

    I think a bit differently to most people, the intro and context in Job has how and why Job sacrificed to God which he regularly did, I think Lucifer had a role on earth as a priest in Ezekiel we are given an account of how he was adorned with precious stones, 3 rows out of four of the Aaronic...
  13. Clayman

    The war in heaven

    Interesting, yes it has crossed my mind as to why Satan and the angels are cast down to earth, I mean God is sovereign and in complete control of what happens in His creation so the question is why did He not just throw them into the lake of fire and be done with the rebellious host? I think...
  14. Clayman

    The war in heaven

    Hi ZNP, Im newish here didn't even realise there was a blog section, you have a lot of material there :-) Mind if I ask what CERN stands for? Ive only had time to briefly skim some of what you've written, I guess I see the breach in the last days to come from below not above would be my first...
  15. Clayman

    The war in heaven

    Thanks for the verses, for me it creates more questions than answers. I dont read Rev 12 in a strictly chronological pattern, Although I agree with the time frame you have given here, except I see it in regard to the woman not the dragon in the tribulation period. [6] And the woman fled into...
  16. Clayman

    The war in heaven

    Reading the bible we come across an event that occurs in heaven it is a war between angels, one third of the angels who follow or side with Satan, against the other two thirds of angels who are led by Michael. This event has resulted in numerous and various explanations to the extent that for...
  17. Clayman


    You see Dispensationalism as taking away from good exegesis of the bible, which I don't see why (yet, give me time I'll catch on) But the fact you see God dealing with mankind differently at different times shows that you see dispensations? I see the law as teaching us we can't be righteous, we...
  18. Clayman


    I'm not sure how many colours of dispensationalism there may be, but my understanding agrees with you that people are not saved by different means. But what dispensations does show is how God works differently at different times, for example Israel were expected to follow the law, yet today...
  19. Clayman

    The Falling Away - pre-trib rapture or ???

    Those photos look like a solar eclipse, not a lunar eclipse?
  20. Clayman

    The Falling Away - pre-trib rapture or ???

    When I get home ill look for a photo, If I didn't take one, there will still be some around, the whole moon went red not just the outsides, this was from New Zealand, 4 months ago maybe, my understanding is its got to be a lunar eclipse in a certain phase so it is rather a rare sight.