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  1. Clayman

    Rapture True or False.

    Rapture true or false? True, in fact I dont know of anyone who does not believe there will be a catching up to meet the Lord in the air,
  2. Clayman

    Genesis 1:1 What is your interpretation?

    Would you mind defining your timeline of creation?
  3. Clayman

    Genesis 1:1 What is your interpretation?

    Do you believe in a literal 6 days of creation or the longer evolution format?
  4. Clayman

    Genesis 1:1 What is your interpretation?

    Ok, thanks for taking a look, I am curious though I dont think you have said what the source for light is, what is your view?
  5. Clayman

    Genesis 1:1 What is your interpretation?

    Jesus is the Eternal Word, John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. Our creation was formless and void and in darkness, then when God spoke the Word "let there be light", then Jesus is revealed to the creation and light is now made manifest and the...
  6. Clayman

    Genesis 1:1 What is your interpretation?

    Exactly, Jesus is light. The physical creation is a picture or a copy of the Spiritual, the sun a copy/picture of the Son, that is essential for life, the moon a picture of the Word( including our bibles) reflects the light so it shines in darkness. So the true light also is the source of the...
  7. Clayman

    Genesis 1:1 What is your interpretation?

    I think there must be different definitions of source, first dictionary definition I looked at is noun noun: source; plural noun: sources 1. a place, person, or thing from which something originates or can be obtained. "mackerel is a good source of fish oil" What is the source of Light...
  8. Clayman

    Is The Earth Flat Or Round?

    oops I try to avoid IQ tests like the plague, I dont wont people to know how um... intelligent I am :D
  9. Clayman

    Is The Earth Flat Or Round?

    I see flat earth threads, and usually pass on by, a quick skim to see if people actually believe in a flat earth(which they are entitle to if they want) I got clicked baited by the title Buzz Aldrin admitting to a 7 year old child they never went to the moon, So I had to watch to see if it as...
  10. Clayman

    Who first taught that Isaiah 14 is about Satan?

    Oh I meant you quote that scripture. Oh I never meant you think the scriptures contradict themselves I was more agreeing with you that they dont, and others think the same its just that different people make certain verses mean different things when scripture apparently contradicts itself by...
  11. Clayman

    Who first taught that Isaiah 14 is about Satan?

    I like hearing different views it helps me question what I think about things, you keep saying Joh 12:31 Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out. which if true means that Satan is not in the world at the moment, and if its not true then the verse isnt...
  12. Clayman

    Who first taught that Isaiah 14 is about Satan?

    Agree, Satan did nothing God did not allow him to do, and I go even further God uses Satan to accomplish His will, for example He will put Satan into power again in the last days to bring judgment upon the nations. Even Satan testing the Lord in the wilderness, It wasnt some scheme of Satan to...
  13. Clayman

    Thief in the Night-- Pretrib or Second Coming?

    Question, you have unsaved mortals who enter the MK, they populate the earth with millions of people being born, and when the 1000yrs are finished everyone is still unsaved including all the children all those who join Israel and go up to Jerusalem to worship God? If this is your view then do...
  14. Clayman

    Melchezidek the high priest of God

    I believe Ezek 28 is directed to Satan, and I think it's describing him in a priestly role, for he had access to the mount of God, we can see the nine stones he was adorned with, nine stones that are also used in the Aaronic priesthood. Etc Ezek 28:11 The word of the Lord came to me: 12 “Son of...
  15. Clayman

    Melchezidek the high priest of God

    Very Good points in this thread about how this highlights our Lord Jesus, I am in a very small minority group of people that believe Melchizedek is actually Satan, Which for some reason people don't like the idea that Satan was a priest of the most high, that he could have been a type of the...
  16. Clayman

    Thief in the Night-- Pretrib or Second Coming?

    You say this like its the first time you have heard this? That the survivers of the Lords second coming are believers who are mortal and enter the millennial kingdom? Yep I would agree with them, its about His coming for the bride not the second advent. Amen All I know is I agree with the...
  17. Clayman

    Thief in the Night-- Pretrib or Second Coming?

    Just so you know pretrib does not have two raptures, at the end of the tribulation we see the surviving saints as those who enter as mortals to populate the millennial kingdom, our pre mill post trib brothers have all the believers removed at the Lords return and those who rejected Christ are...
  18. Clayman

    Thief in the Night-- Pretrib or Second Coming?

    Ive just caught up to whats happened here, I was just pointing out the Hint of a the pretribulation rapture in Luke 21 When Israel was waiting for its Messiah, it was expected not only that Messiah was to come but also the Lord was going to rescue Israel and bring great judgment upon the whole...
  19. Clayman

    Thief in the Night-- Pretrib or Second Coming?

    The church is mentioned in the book of Revelation for sure, as you know I believe the bride is removed before the tribulation period, my challenge to you was to show me where bouts in the tribulation period, so you need to be more specific so I may see it.
  20. Clayman

    Thief in the Night-- Pretrib or Second Coming?

    Ok why not, for Im sure if its pointed out again you will go "aha" I see it now and change your tune ;):p You know this is a straw man knowing no one believes this. So I disagree with you thinking we precede them so the answer to your question is its irrelevant for we do not precede them...