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  1. Clayman

    The Falling Away - pre-trib rapture or ???

    Ive seen the moon in a total lunar eclipse and its blood red to the naked eye, and the darkness on earth is eerie. If the sun goes dark, by some unknown or supernatural means during the tribulation like the 3 hours of darkness at the death of Christ, there could be another source of Light and...
  2. Clayman

    The Falling Away - pre-trib rapture or ???

    Im Gobsmacked, I didnt pick you as an amil, or one to use amil tactics, that's a lot of verses about Israel gathered into the Kingdom that are in the bible, but now obsolete... Even Paul would disagree he said 2Ti 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for...
  3. Clayman

    The Falling Away - pre-trib rapture or ???

    I see two gatherings, one for the church and one for the remnant of Israel, the question to ask is to which are these referring? The one for the Church is the rapture and the one for Israel is just a gathering to Israel. We know there is a gathering of the remnant after the Lord comes, and they...
  4. Clayman

    The Falling Away - pre-trib rapture or ???

    This seems to be undoubtedly referring to the rapture, my friend :D
  5. Clayman

    The Falling Away - pre-trib rapture or ???

    I am repeating myself here, but my dad use to say to me sometimes for some you have to say something three times before people hear what your saying so ill say it again, I don't think the verses here in Matt 24:29-31 are talking about a pre-trib rapture, In fact they are not even talking about a...
  6. Clayman

    The Falling Away - pre-trib rapture or ???

    Disagree, the whole bible must be in harmony, don't be scared of people quoting verses to show you where they develop their opinions from. Also the Holy Spirit teaches us in harmony with the Word, it is living and powerful, and the Gospel writers along with the Lord Quoted 100s of scripture from...
  7. Clayman

    The Falling Away - pre-trib rapture or ???

    God will send trouble upon Jacob, but He will also send them the 2 witnesses and 12000 witness's from each of the 12 tribes, there will be great trouble and revival along side each other.
  8. Clayman

    The Falling Away - pre-trib rapture or ???

    My guess is you already know the pre-trib view point of this, so my challenge to you is, just to be open minded and to see if when you combine all the verses of the bible together form either post or pre trib, to see if it does line up. Verse 30 of Matt 24, (immediately after the tribulation)...
  9. Clayman

    The Falling Away - pre-trib rapture or ???

    I try and read the passages without bias, or looking at it from a pre trib or post trib point of view, (I know no one actually does this, but I try) but pre-trib does seem to have clarity and answers while the post trib view has a lot of un-answered questions. Yet I believe if I don't see...
  10. Clayman

    The Falling Away - pre-trib rapture or ???

    If you somehow stay a float and survive the judgment of the flood that God used on unbelieving mankind, would be the more parallel scenario
  11. Clayman

    The Falling Away - pre-trib rapture or ???

    Agreed, and another reason post trib makes zero sense, if all believers are raptured and are clothed in immortality, when the Lord arrives to set up His kingdom in Israel, there are no longer any mortal saints left to enter the kingdom, which means no aging or children for they shall be like...
  12. Clayman

    The Falling Away - pre-trib rapture or ???

    I don't really have view on Enoch and Elijah, I don't know the how and why they went to heaven. I view the others of faith as going down to Sheol or Abrahams Bosom, when the Lord died He also went down there, and emptied the place out. This is a brief glimpse of how I imagine or guess the Good...
  13. Clayman

    The Falling Away - pre-trib rapture or ???

    Disagree, I think its talking about being changed into our immortal bodies, not preceding them means they are resurrected first then we are transformed/changed in the twinkling of an eye. Then we go to meet the Lord. And with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we...
  14. Clayman

    The Falling Away - pre-trib rapture or ???

    When we are caught up together with the resurrected dead, at the same time, shows we do not precede them or go first. Resurrection literally means to stand up again, Jesus is the first fruits of the resurrection and is the pattern for the resurrection, that is coming out of the grave to stand...
  15. Clayman

    Fear and Religion.

    1cor 1:12 Now I say this, that each of you says, "I am of Paul," or "I am of Apollos," or "I am of Cephas," or "I am of Christ," What a condemnation against those at Corinth, for some to say that they follow only after certain ones, all scripture is for us, and all scripture presents the one...
  16. Clayman

    The Falling Away - pre-trib rapture or ???

    So we both see those that are asleep in Christ are in heaven and are not resurrected yet. Then we both see that Christ descends from heaven with a shout and the dead in Christ rise first, then we who are alive shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord. The difference...
  17. Clayman

    The Falling Away - pre-trib rapture or ???

    Not how I see it, I see us as expediently waiting to be raptured at any moment, to be changed in the twinkling of an eye, meaning we put on our immortal bodies and go to be with the Lord. Paul is telling us (those who believe in a pre-trib rapture, because he presumes we agree with him for this...
  18. Clayman

    The Falling Away - pre-trib rapture or ???

    Not to belabour any thing, But a lot of what you say is also true from looking at it from my perspective, if I can explain the Lords coming like a train coming. The train pulls into London(clouds) and stops and loads up with its passengers on route to its destination Glasgow(earth) It is a 7hr...
  19. Clayman

    The Falling Away - pre-trib rapture or ???

    Thanks for your explanation of your position, even though I may disagree I still enjoyed reading your previous post, I don't have to agree to still enjoy seeing how others view scripture, and one of the points I obviously I may have trouble agreeing with is apparently obvious to you as well as...
  20. Clayman

    The Falling Away - pre-trib rapture or ???

    Thanks, I can understand how you can see it that way, but I can also see the ambiguity of these verses means it can be taken either way, for instance notice in verse 1 it we are given the topic of our gathering/rapture to Jesus. Now brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and...