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  1. Clayman


    I dont put any stock in the book of Enoch, it's obviously not inspired, if Jude quoted from it, which I don't think he did (I agree, that's another topic), it does not necessarily mean God put his trust in it enough to treat it as gospel truth, To me Satan or a heretical book could be quoted if...
  2. Clayman


    I said it, my point is man is fallible, you said not to put all my trust in modern scholars, and that the ancient Jews knew directly from the prophets, I dont know what your point was going to be, but those at Corinth knew the apostles directly and made huge mistakes, Peter an actual apostle...
  3. Clayman


    It cuts both ways, I see you as doing the same with scripture with verses like John 12:31 and then the figurative verses you see them as literal for example some people think when a person is excommunicated he is literally handed over to Satan, and some think hes put out into the world, which is...
  4. Clayman


    Sorry im not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you saying that Goliath was a man/Giant the offspring of an angel/human, and after he died he became a demon, this may be not what your saying I just want clarification, as i said im not the sharpest tool in the shed... Any chance you might say...
  5. Clayman


    Totally agree, we should read scripture and let scripture influence us and it should form our views and we all we need to change how we think and what we think as our understanding of Gods word should be increasing as we mature on to the meat of the Word. What I do when I have two views...
  6. Clayman


    Hi Pilgrimshope I love your name :) Thanks for all these verses, I cant but help reading through all the posts though that people seem to explain all the evil in the world as some evil supernatural influence and blame all our troubles upon this outside influence, and they interpret the verses...
  7. Clayman


    Im no Hebrew linguist for sure, and when I look in the account in numbers where the spys saw the nephilim as men of LARGE stature, even if the translation literally should not be Giants, for I agree the meaning does appear to be those who fall or fell others, yet I can also understand why the...
  8. Clayman


    In your opinion who is released out of the pit in the tribulation period?
  9. Clayman


    While that view is interesting for sure, I dont see it that way for a few reasons, one being that the word nephilim only appears twice in the bible, and is translated as giants in the versions I read, Gen 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that Num 13:33 And...
  10. Clayman


    Just so you know not everyone believes its happening today, as you can already tell I belong to the minority on this topic, I will give you a brief overview of my belief just so you understand a little of why I believe demons are not currently active, I will try and not go into it to much, by...
  11. Clayman

    Once saved always saved?

    Wasn't trying to insult you at all, wasn't my intention, read through some osas threads people actually do think we are wrong thinking the things I posted and use are out of context. Also 99% of people seem thick skinned here, But if your so sensitive why set yourself up but simply saying your...
  12. Clayman

    Once saved always saved?

    Do tell, dont leave me hanging :) Wait let me try and guess... :) Is it because they see it as a supernatural one off event, where God actually comes and makes His abode in him? And think being born again is becoming a new creation? Or is it because they count the cost when they make the...
  13. Clayman

    Once saved always saved?

    If a seed is planted we cant see if the roots are embedded in good soil or not, it and the other plants grow as nature nourishes but sometimes you cant tell the plants apart until a strong wind comes, when the plant topples over we can see it never had its roots in Christ. The problem I have...
  14. Clayman

    The Bible and Cremation

    This is the sense I get from talking to some people. Biblically it doesn't matter, but I think that those who want to be cremated generally show forth a rebellious attitude, what Im meaning is there seems to be a message in the act of the person saying to God, I'm dead and I'm going to stay...
  15. Clayman

    Former pentecostal

    I think Paul for sure knew the words he was penning were inspired and would be added to the other inspired writings, but it's a moot point anyway, it doesn't make any difference, God inspired the letters and He knew the letters would be used to complete the Holy writ. Daniel didn't understand...
  16. Clayman

    Former pentecostal

    There still is no personal pro noun in the verse, A charismatic would be black and blue if they were raised up in my household, for example if my Father asked me where I got the food from and I replied "from that thing in the kitchen" If my mother heard and thought I was referring to her I...
  17. Clayman

    Former pentecostal

    I'm curious what verse has the HS referred to as it? Thanks in advance
  18. Clayman

    "Is There More Than one Gospel?...

    There is One gospel for those who can rightly divide the word, just as he teaches that it is the same one hope and faith for me as for Abraham or any one who has faith in God's Word. Eph 4:4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one...
  19. Clayman

    A Few of the Scriptures that Make me Post-Millennial

    Exactly, language especially the English language is always evolving or changing and sometimes out of necessity likee with the word rapture, to mean the saints being caught up supernaturally to meet the Lord in the air, one could use the whole sentence every time or they could use one word that...
  20. Clayman

    A Few of the Scriptures that Make me Post-Millennial

    Agreed they are saying Jesus is in league with Satan and working with him. Jesus gives two reasons why He isn't in league and working with Satan, the first is that if He was then they are working against themselves and therefore are divided and can not stand. And if Jesus is casting them out...