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  1. jenniferand2

    Columbus OH college on lock down people hurt

    A college in Ohio is on lock down as someone has hurt ( people and 1 Person is dead) sighhhhh Prayer for the families involved.... Dear lord we are now praying to you everyday for some sort of public attacks. Please be with the families involved... Please Lord do your work in the souls of...
  2. jenniferand2

    I got a secret I got a secret!!!!

    I got a Secret I got a Secret !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha I made you look have a great night God bless.
  3. jenniferand2

    oh dear this is bad news The islamist group (ISIS) just took over "Quaragosh",

    oh dear this is bad news The islamist group (ISIS) just took over "Quaragosh", The islamist group (ISIS) just took over "Quaragosh", the biggest Christian city in Iraq There are hundreds of men, women and children that are being beheaded. Dear God Please be with these people .
  4. jenniferand2

    ughhh feeling like a train ran me over and like awful

    I am feeling horrible today the nerve in my back is acting up and i think I am getting the flu on top of it fun fun and finals are coming up soon joy if you all get the flu this year watch out it is nasty just saying praying you all stay healthy.. praying i can sleep tonight with this pain...
  5. jenniferand2

    Isreal in the last days>>>>

    Ezekiel 37:22 - And I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king to them all: and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all: I think it is safe to say that we have a bit of time before...
  6. jenniferand2

    getting ready to make a break for it i can not deal with the abuse anymore!!!!

    I am going to go a head and try to put a plan in motion to get away from my husband. I can not take the abuse anymore I get yelled at for the dumbest things all the time now and I am so over this. I need to get a plan together and get a place and do my schooling and take care of me. If anyone...
  7. jenniferand2

    Thank You God for my strength and weaknesses Thanksgiving praise

    I will not be posting in any topics today unrelated to health family wellness etc.... Today is a Day of thanks. I would like to say that even with all my strengths and weaknesses I want to thank God for letting me be alive and here today... I learn from my weaknesses and I learn to have...
  8. jenniferand2

    children dead after bus crash in tennesee

    Dear lord please be with the people in the community where this happened. Be with the family members of the children who have passed away please watch over them and comfort them. Amen
  9. jenniferand2

    what to do in school? next semester starting soon i want to be a RN but body says no

    My next semester of school starts soon I really want to go for nursing. My heart tells me to go for nursing but my body and mind say ohhhhh noooo you can not do that. I am getting down to a wire here and need to decide what to do. My other choices are keep the program i am in and get my BA and...
  10. jenniferand2

    7 year old boy whos mother was abusive in video over trump vote being investigated

    The video of the little boy being thrown out by his mom yall posted is under investigation by police and cps etc.... yes thank God
  11. jenniferand2

    7.8 Earthquake Hit New Zealand prayers for safety of the people

    Dear lord please watch over the people in New Zealand They need you there with them right now.. Please keep everyone as safe as possible thank you Amen
  12. jenniferand2

    So sick of all this rioting crap already go blast these people with a fire hose

    I am so sick and tired of all this rioting crap. I have had it up to my ears already. Law enforcement needs to have permission to spray these people down with fire hoses. This crap needs to stop and now..... No form of rioting should be accepted. Peaceful protest maybe but rioting no. Now...
  13. jenniferand2

    rioting has begun in Oakland Fires have been started

    And so this begins now the rioting is in effect Oakland is fire and protesters are at work
  14. jenniferand2

    now the question is will Obama step down now?

    Obama has said he will not leave office if Trump is elected. DO any of you think he will try to pull some kind of crazy crap and stay in the White House?
  15. jenniferand2

    active shooter in california now near polling stations

    SO it begins already active shooter in California oh lord please help us...
  16. jenniferand2

    join me in prayer on this day of election

    Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. They will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our...
  17. jenniferand2

    went to vote and donated blood in the same buidling

    I find it ironic that i went to vote today and they had a blood drive at the same place pretty smart I have to say... Hoping the do not need my freshly donated blood anytime soon.... Maybe the red cross knows something we do not lol...
  18. jenniferand2

    one percent vote in and trump is leading but they are small states

    Saying a prayer once again dear lord please bring the right person into office to protect the American people. I pray that you watch over everyone once the final results are in as I have a feeling there will be some massive rioting going on.Lord Helps Us Amen
  19. jenniferand2

    Dear GOD please lead our Country in the right direction please

    Dear God please watch over our Country today. Please bring the right person to the white house. Please bring a person that will retain our Christian values and someone who will bring our Country back together again. Lord please watch over all your people after the election as I fear there will...
  20. jenniferand2

    ok Hillary supporters you must see this

    A couple of days ago Gary Bauer’s American Values Action PAC released a YouTube video that in a mere 57 seconds encapsulates why Hillary Clinton is (by anyone’s definition not on the abortion industry’s payroll) an abortion extremist. These are Clinton’s own words and they are not taken out...