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  1. jenniferand2

    Prayers please big ones'''' daughter is at risk....

    Please pray that God helps me tomorrow morning.. as most of you know my daughter lives with my mother through court order. Well tonight I just found out that my adult brother that lives with my mother was busted driving his car with heroin cocain and put in it.. a class b felony. The da is...
  2. jenniferand2

    hello checking in still puttering around on things..

    Hello all I am waiting on my mri results to come in this week. I am sure it will not be great news but hopefully not horrible news.. I know by my x ray report I have bone spurs in c3 c4 c5 c6 so that much I do know. Other then that half of my health insurance got cut so I could not meet with...
  3. jenniferand2

    Hello everyone updating my situation...

    Hello i just wanted to say hi and I am okay been in lot's of pain lately still... But I am going to be working with a case manager on my living situation. I am going to have them help me leave my hubby and get a place I can afford and feel safe. Also still have my doggies. Please pray that I can...
  4. jenniferand2

    Who is celebrating ash Wednesday and lent?

    Any one celebrating ash Wednesday and lent? - hat are your thoughts???
  5. jenniferand2

    took a bunch of photos the other day on accident on the way to get mail look at this

    Here is a picture i took on accident on my way to the mailbox it looks like Jesus watching me..
  6. jenniferand2

    oh Lord help me falling way behind in school going to have to withdraw:{

    My neck has been such a problem this past few months. It started getting really bad the week I went to my sisters feb 13th. It is getting so bad I can not move my head with out having nerve pain and it snapping and pooping real loud. I have an MRI scheduled for march 5th I do not have a good...
  7. jenniferand2

    Amen Maria does not have cancer two fabulous miracles

    I was so worried about my friend Maria I found out just a bit ago she does not have cancer. THANK YOU JESUS. Also as I previously said her son in law Michael is home today after getting off life support. GOD IS GOOD AMEN
  8. jenniferand2

    i am just a dreamer
  9. jenniferand2

    feel like going line dancing now lol

    oh that Reba she makes me want to go try line dancing I would probably trip
  10. jenniferand2

    listening to !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. jenniferand2

    ready for prince charming to rescue me and carry me away lol

    Hahah A little humor although prince charming does sound nice right about now..
  12. jenniferand2

    helllo alll good news I am still kicking barely lol

    Busy week this week I have been in the worst pain of my life when my neck went out. Got stuck in a huge blizard at my sisters house while dog sitting. @ feet of snow fell :( I am so sick of the snow and ready to be out of here.. Still focusing on trying to do well in school despite my horrible...
  13. jenniferand2

    super Prayers needed . I am posting here urgent

    I need huge prayers going my friends way. She has a bone marrow biopsy tomorrow and her son in law who has a one year old son is getting set up on life suport from having pneumonia. Please lord this family has suffered so much loss already. Please watch over Maria tomorrow and her son in law...
  14. jenniferand2

    asking God for strength

    Asking God for strength. My body has been having major flare ups lately. They are had can barley stay awake or move my hands. Need to try to keep up with school work and it is very difficult. I thought about doing a medical withdraw it is getting so bad. I am praying some doctor some where will...
  15. jenniferand2

    anyone interested in teaching me a foreign language??? I love to learn

    I was wondering if anyone may be interested in teaching me a foreign language?? It does not matter what language I am not picky it would be helpful if it was a useful language though lol. Arabic, Spanish, Turkish something I can use to communicate with people that come here and may need medical...
  16. jenniferand2

    the reports of protesting goimg stromg

    Protests Erupt Nationwide for Second Day Over Trump's Travel Ban - NBC News
  17. jenniferand2

    the begining of the end of times as we know it

    This Country is so divided and so blind as to what is best for our safety and our viability and longevity it is mind boggling. Trump is in Office slamming out his plans and Orders. I honestly do not think he has slept sense taking office yet lol... I know what he is doing is for the best for our...
  18. jenniferand2

    trump is on a roll with executive orders can't wait to see the rioting tomorrow

    Trump has already done his executive order to ban certain countries people from entering the USA. Although this is a good thing of Americans and is for protection. People do not want to see it that way. He also has started other bans he promised would happen. By gosh i think he is the first...
  19. jenniferand2

    prayer warriors please i need lots of them cancer may have come back for my friend

    I need all the prayer warriors I can get. My friend maria beat Lung cancer But now her blood counts are high and they think she may have Leukemia. Please pray that it is not that and that she will be okay. Please pray that no matter what it is she will be able to fight and live her life out a...
  20. jenniferand2

    still safe working on school and trying to get my neck to behave

    Just dropping in to say hello. I am still doing fine I have been super busy with school work in between trying to get my neck to stop going out of place and causing major pain and unhappy evenings for me. I am still waiting to get a new laptop probably in a few week here I hope because hooking...