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  1. jenniferand2

    hillary is she the mystery babylon? The mother of harlots? Revelations17.1

    I read revelations and I am curious as to what people think on this. i highlighted in bigger font the main points of the scripture And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the...
  2. jenniferand2

    I bet Hillarys minions are out paying people to vote for her

    I wonder if Hillary's minions are out paying people for votes. I would not put it past her I do trust her as far as I can throw her...
  3. jenniferand2

    Christians and others prepping for the end of days is it crazy>>>>

    I find it interesting and mind blowing that people are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on prepping for the end. My theory is if something bad enough is going to happen and I had a choice to either die or spend a bunch of years under ground alive in a bug out shelter I think I am...
  4. jenniferand2

    preparing for all Heck to break out if Clinton wins

    I am preparing for horrible things to happen if Clinton wins. I do not see how this can even begin to be a good situation at all. I dislike some of Trumps attributes but I feel he will do what he says and try to make America great. I fear for his life if he wins though. Either way God please be...
  5. jenniferand2

    lord I need strength now

    Lord I pray for strength now I am getting behind o n school work due to my back and neck acting up please let me get caught up and do real good.. I do not want to fail any of my classes. I need strength to deal with my family issues as well please just see me through until I can get a few goals...
  6. jenniferand2

    prayers ofr Vietnam facing a typhoon already massive flooding

    please God watch over these people in their time of need they must be very horrified to say the least Amen
  7. jenniferand2

    why does Dr jeffrees say the old testement does not matter anymore ??????

    Why do DR Jeffrees say the old testament not matter any more to just follow the new testament? Can some one give me scripture to look at regarding this? please I would like to research this a bit more. Does anyone else watch DR. Jeffrees?
  8. jenniferand2

    cast out the scorner ??/

    Cast out the scorner, and contention shall go out; yea, strife and reproach shall cease. Can someone please explain to me what this means I kind of understand but I am a bit confused as I found this in a subject about husbands? Does this mean we should cast out the people of our lives that...
  9. jenniferand2

    bad mouth I am trying to tame

    I have very bad habits I will not lie. I have a bad mouth I swear like a trucker some days.. I try very hard to stop this bad habit as It is making me feel like I am a awful dirty person. I just got so angry in trying so hard to deal with all the difficulty in my life and people in my life like...
  10. jenniferand2

    Dreams I have is that one way God talks to me?

    I have been trying to figure a slew of things out in the last few weeks. I have been praying for God to put in the direction of his path for me but I feel Like I am not getting any real clues as to what to do. I have had a few dreams but not real specific where i can say for sure this is the...
  11. jenniferand2

    parinoid or should I really be concerned ??

    I have asked my husband not to post stuff on his face book page that have to do with hunting ISIS down and killing them kind if posts or hate breeding type posts i guess you could call them.. Mostly the ones about hunting Isis. I am wondering am I being over concerned for no reason or am I right...
  12. jenniferand2

    Please pray having seasonal depression kick in

    It is around this time of the year every year i start swinging into my season effective depression. I really hate it but it happens every year. I am asking everyone to pray that i just survive the winter months with my crushing depression. I have been on this coaster ride a long time and some...
  13. jenniferand2

    drugs killing Americans at alarming rates is it being done on purpose chemical war?

    I am now wondering if so many American people are dying from deadly overdose because of additives being mixed in with drugs on purpose to kill Americans? Does anyone else think this is possible? That Mexico and other drug smuggling countries are contaminating drugs on purpose as a type of...
  14. jenniferand2

    update on having a long talk with hubby

    Some of you may be wondering about my long talk with hubby. So here is an update. I did have a talk with him and told him I am very unhappy and that I plan on leaving and moving on with my life. Hubby says that we have been together for over 20 years and things have been hard both financially...
  15. jenniferand2

    Tough conversation going to happen in the next couple of days please pray

    I am having a tough conversation in the next couple of days with my husband about things. Please pray for me that it goes well.. Please also pray that I have strength to say all that I need to say and get through it. I am pretty nervous .
  16. jenniferand2

    Rest In Peace Gene Wilder aka Willy Wonka

    Gene Wilder has Passed away thank you for your great rolls on T.V. what a great guy
  17. jenniferand2

    are all people that have divorced and remarried commiting sin??

    So much scripture about divorce and remarriage So in not so many words the bible is saying woman can not remarry unless their husband is dead. Romans 7:3 - So then if, while [her] husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress: but if her husband be dead...
  18. jenniferand2

    prayers for guidance and strength as my classes start

    please pray that i have the strength I need and the energy I need to do well in my classes this term. Please pray that I stay on track and sure of myself....also that my back behaves enough pain wise so I do not fall behind in my classes because of the pain I am in.Thanks
  19. jenniferand2

    hmmm if Hillary is booted out of election does trump automaticlly win or?

    if Hillary is booted out of the election does Trump Win by default? Or will Obama use it to his advantage to try to force a third term due to the fact that Trump will not have a competitor? Could Hillary be working with Obama on purpose to screw up the election so Obama can stay on? Just...
  20. jenniferand2

    why do dishes multiple like gremlins that hit water lol

    I wash dishes everyday and it seems as soon as one hits the sink it turns into 3 then five then like 20 lol.... kind of like the dryer eats the socks or the tupperware bowls that seem to multiple lids whyyyyyyyyyyyy.