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  1. jenniferand2

    so excited i cant believe it!

    I opened the mail box the other day to find out that my hard work in school paid off. I made the Dean's. List. I know if I had not had so much. Trouble. With my neck and back I would have done much better. This term I am shooting. For the p residents list. 4.0 baby here I come I am so proud of...
  2. jenniferand2

    I am still okay all classes start again today

    Just a note to say hello and let you all know I am still okay and safe... My next round of classes start today it is going to be a very busy tough semester.. 5 classes but I am determined to make the deans list this semester... So I will be buckling down and working my hind end off lol.. I will...
  3. jenniferand2

    poem / thoughts

    Lord God Almighty maker of all things. I love you my Savior and King I look to the sky above and see your abundant love I only wish the entire world could see what a gift you can be I lift my voice way up high to praise this king of mine I lift my voice way up high my great lord I will not deny...
  4. jenniferand2

    my praise to the lord on my birthday

    Thank you lord for another year of life and growing in many ways. Happy birthday to Elvis also.
  5. jenniferand2

    thank you God

    Thank you God for my life. I know I have many. Bumps in my road ahead. I just am so glad I wake up another day to keep trying to work on me and my goals in life. Just went to say good bye to my friends mom yesterday. I have a today. As you. Know. I get to celebrate life I just want...
  6. jenniferand2

    hey yall i am ok in major paim bur ok

    Ok well hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas and great start to the new year. I am doing ok other then my back and legs and knees hurting. Solo bad. Just trying to take it one day at a time school starts again soon so will be busy a bit but still. Will stop in hugs all God bless
  7. jenniferand2

    still doing okay just checking in again

    hey everyone I am still doing okay just wanted to let you all know I am safe and good. I haven't been on lately I have been really tired. Still trying to plan some life changes and get some things going. School to start up again soon and I am nervous I hope U can keep up this term and not fall...
  8. jenniferand2

    Obama pushing Putin

    Obama is pushing Putin hard not a good thing. I still think Obama is starting trouble just to stay in the White. House
  9. jenniferand2

    yes did good in school this semseter after sweating it...

    I got two A's and two B's after really thinking i was not even going to be able to finish because of my neck being so bad... 3.50 GPA not great but I hope to raise it next semester.
  10. jenniferand2

    Go tell it on the mountain

    While shepherds kept their watching Over Wandering flocks by night Behold throughout the heavens, There shone a holy light: Go, Tell It On The Mountain, Over the hills and everywhere; Go, Tell It On The Mountain That Jesus Christ is born. The shepherds feared and trembled When lo! above the...
  11. jenniferand2

    lord please help i need you now !!!!!

    Just got of phone with my sister and I just want to scream I am so mad. Long story as short as I can make it. My mother has custody of my daughter age 16 She also has my 28 year old free loading pot smoking worthless son living with her. She continues to fork money over to left and right. My...
  12. jenniferand2

    On a new note all heck is going to break loose !!!!

    My daughter say my husband not treat me so nice and basically yelled at me once again for making a comment This time she texted my mother and said too my mother she wants to get me out of this house forever..... So now I have my daughter telling my mother this stuff so my mother will be riding...
  13. jenniferand2

    checking in hello everyone again

    Hello everyone I am doing fine I have been busy finishing up the end of my semester at school getting all my final projects done
  14. jenniferand2

    checking in hello everyone

    Just checking in and saying hello miss chatting with you all and putting my 2 cents in lol. I wish I could see posts better to keep up with everyone. Have a good night and God bless
  15. jenniferand2

    ughhhh my husband broke the screen on my laptop soooooo

    My husband broke the screen on my laptop so i am right now using my t.v. for a screen. I can barely see a word I am writing. I just want you all to know that if i am not on posting much it is because i either have to use my t.v. which is like making my stuff wide open to him to read or use my...
  16. jenniferand2

    My daughter is my life both of them are here is my story

    So back in the year 2002 I left my now husband with my two daughters the youngest one being his child as well.. We went to a shelter for woman then went on to North Carolina. In North Carolina I was going to settle down and start over with my girls. Two things happened though. one i has no way...
  17. jenniferand2

    please say a prayer for a situation going on

    My daughter has texted me and is wanting me to take her to court to fill out papers so she can be removed from my mothers home to come back to be with me. I know my husband and I have our problems as you all know.. I do feel though that her problems where she lives are way way worse so please...
  18. jenniferand2

    dear Lord half of North Carolina is on fire and now tenesee please lord do something.

    Dear Lord I pray for the people in these states... The wild fires are crazy right now please God protect all the firefighters and the people in the path of the fires and the animals as well. Lord please let it rain so these fires can be help along with be out out. Thank You Lord In your Name I...
  19. jenniferand2

    me thinks the Govenment put a does of stupid serum in MMR vaccines lol

    Seems that after world war 2 The Government has to have put stupid serum in MMR vaccines or something.. I am not Einstein but dang. I almost feel very smart now compared to a huge portion of people moving about the earth... I must have only got half a dose of stupid serum in my MMR vaccine lol...
  20. jenniferand2

    so very ill that Liberals are pushing this recount crap yep i went there

    From Clinton's own words I will except the vote out come!!!! Just Kidding like always she is going back on her word now as Liberals are pushing for recounts.. Also some how she is involved in the recounts.... Not good not proper totally a chance for recounts to be not legit anyways... This...