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  1. jenniferand2

    Good day everyone thank you God for another day of life.

    I woke up this morning feeling refreshed after several days of not being able to sleep really. I just want to thank God for letting me be alive still. Lord thank you for the breath of life and I ask that even though I struggle with pain and get frustrated with my limitations at times I want you...
  2. jenniferand2

    our soldiers paid the price thank you to them

    Our brothers ultimate sacrifice My brother's and sister's died today. Fighting for your freedom faraway. They did not sacrifice their lives. Thousands of miles away. For people at home to throw it all away. We sit here in America and shoot our neighbors dead. All...
  3. jenniferand2

    Thank You Lord for answering one of my big prayers.

    I just want to thank God for answering one of my biggest prayers. My husband and I have been struggling lately with money as he has been waiting over 2 years to be approved for disability. We found out that he was finally approved today and that is a huge burden lifted. Thank God Amen
  4. jenniferand2

    happy mothers day ladies

    Happy mothers day to all the moms out there and step moms.
  5. jenniferand2

    Thank you Lord for hearing my prayers and letting be here another day

    Thank you God for hearing my prayers and for letting me carry on another day. I have been in some bad pain today but I am still glad to be alive. Please lay your healing hands on the people who are very sick that you may heal them and help them carry on another day also. Lord please hear my...
  6. jenniferand2

    trying to figure out what Gods plan is with having my back get so messed up.

    I am trying to figure out why God saw it in his plan to have me get my back messed up and have me be in so much pain. I know other people have it way worse then me and I am by no means trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill here. I just wonder why my back had to get messed up when i was...
  7. jenniferand2

    amen I lived through another day

    Thank you Lord for another day of life. I ask you bless us all with our day tomorrow and that we may feel your over whelming strength in our lives. Lord please protect us all from evil and bless us with your presence in the days that follow so that we may go on to fill your will for us Amen.
  8. jenniferand2

    the bible is confusing it reads like a riddle sometimes

    why is the bible so confusing? it reads like a riddle sometimes is there a map on how to read the bible so it makes sense?
  9. jenniferand2

    been away for a bit I am on a mission in life what mission i am unsure

    I have been away for a few weeks as I have been pretty busy. I am trying to figure out things in life still. I am not sure what direction God wants me to go in life. I think I know but I am unsure. I applied to go to a christian college to take nursing so I will see if I get in to the program...
  10. jenniferand2

    I just applied for a type of job I have wanted to do

    I just applied for a job I have really been wanting to try doing real estate appraisals please pray I can get this job thank you
  11. jenniferand2

    where do I start with the bible

    I have been reading King James Bible on different topics but where do I start reading to learn about how to live my life to serve the Lord? Any certain verses people can point out to me?
  12. jenniferand2

    Pondering what God wants me to do with my life

    I have been pondering what God wants me to do with my life lately. What he wants me to be when I grow up lol. I am 43 I spent many years taking care of elderly people as a Home Health Aide I love it but it destroyed my back and stuff. I really have been praying and waiting to see where God leads...
  13. jenniferand2

    what about people who say they can talk to the dead or see the dead?

    What does the bible say about people who say they can talk to or see or feel the dead? I have not looked it up really? I am wonder do people really have that ability does God give people this ability to communicate with people who have passed on?
  14. jenniferand2

    If you could have on super power what would it be?

    I would want the power to heal as I have had my share of pain I would love to relieve people of their pain and make them feel better again. pain is awful and some days I would not wish the pain my body gets on anyone.
  15. jenniferand2

    Lord grant me patience and strength

    Dear Lord please grant me patience and strength as I walk into new avenues in my life. It is very hard to change bad habits and to walk the better path in life. Forgive me if I slip up on my path as I am not perfect. Please give me strength to continue to try to make you happy and to live my...
  16. jenniferand2

    Abusive Relationships and Religion this subject may be taboo but it happens

    This subject is probably not one that many folks will want to talk about or can talk about but I think it is important What does one do when they are in the cycle of abuse? one either stays out of fear or one leaves and does not look back. I have been in an abusive relationship for over 20...
  17. jenniferand2

    please pray for the pain I am in to be toned down some

    I have problems with my neck shoulder and back sense a few injuries have happened I do not get any relief I pray and pray that GOD will just tone the pain down enough to make it livable it is very difficult for me to do much on days when my neck and shoulder are out of whack please lord I...
  18. jenniferand2

    A Easter poem from my heart

    I sit here in my room and think of all that Jesus went through he went to his death for all of our sins he suffered for us on that day beat about in the town square then left to suffer in despair he was then dragged miles away to die on the cross that day in a field of people he was hung from...
  19. jenniferand2

    hahha here is a laugh for you some people I tell ya

    this is my conversation on a face book post about humans being micro chipped by 2017 my post on a page talking about micro chips this is priceless Jennifer they already use those pretty little micro chips in your bank cards to monitor you and what you spend money on and where yoou spend...
  20. jenniferand2

    is staying with a non beilieving husband making me a sinner?

    I have posted before about my husband not being a very nice person to me. I have tried and tried to talk to him about God and he refuses to talk about it and shuts me down when i talk about it. I am wondering if i stay with him if I am sinning against GOD for being with a non believer? I was...