Search results

  1. jenniferand2

    trying to strive

    Oh the pain i feel inside as i sit here and try to strive. I sit here and wait for the chance to thrive but the pain inside keeps me at bay. I wait for the day when I can spring free from this horrible destiny. The hurt that wraps deep in my soul is something that only God and I know. I wish i...
  2. jenniferand2

    when is a cowboy gonna come take me away?

    I have been waiting for my cowboy to come take me away and treat me like a princess. Then I wake up and fluff my pillow lol.
  3. jenniferand2

    Earthquake in Italy tornados in the Ohio valley prayers

    Dear Lord please watch over the people in your flock that are stuck in these horrible situations. Please give them guidance and protect them. The flooding IN LA and Italy earthquake and tornado's in the Ohio valley I see your sending a message that your unhappy with the human race I don't blame...
  4. jenniferand2

    This world is a mess it is only getting worse God is on my side

    This world is a mess that is only getting worse. If this is not a sign of then end of times we are in for a long horrible ride. There is a fear now you can not even go to the grocery store with out fearing some maniac is going to beat you down because of the color of your skin. This is not the...
  5. jenniferand2


    thank you lord for a safe day today I traveled 200 miles today safely. My back is in a bunch of pain from my trip but i jut thank God I am alive and pretty well.
  6. jenniferand2

    My beautiful photo of our amazing Gods beauty

    can my friends here click on the link and please vote for my photo for this contest please and Thank You
  7. jenniferand2

    question about scripture and healing

    So I am a bit confused maybe a little help with this please. I read in scripture that we should be healed by his stripes and that if we pray and believe we should be healed does this refer to our spirit or doe this refer to our body as a whole? Why do some people get healed and others do not...
  8. jenniferand2

    feeling worthless today struggleing

    I have been feeling pretty worthless the last few days. I am disabled because of many conditions. I just feel horrible I am only 43 years old and I feel get in a place at times when i feel like I am wasting life away. I feel like i should be doing so much more with my life at this age. It is so...
  9. jenniferand2

    what do good christains do with anger and hate?

    A lot of Christians are getting very upset with all that is going on in the world with the Black Lives matter and the shooting of the Dallas police officers and stuff. What do good Christian people do with this anger over this? I am very upset all around on this entire ordeal. I get that Black...
  10. jenniferand2

    Dear Lord this wrold is a mess please protect all the people who live in peace

    Dear lord our world is a huge mess. Please watch over and protect the people who just try to live a peaceful life. Lord we can not even go to the store with out a small fear it may be our last trip out in the world. This is beyond crazy lord I remember when i was younger the biggest fear going...
  11. jenniferand2

    two officers shot in dallas protests

    Two officers have been shot in Dallas protests just within the last hour. This world is crazy oh my goodness. Dear lord please watch over these officers and I pray for the people of this country.
  12. jenniferand2

    need prayers medical stuff going on blood work mri

    I am requesting prayer requests I have had my blood work done today to test for lupus. I am asking that prayers be said to have this blood work give me some answers. I am also having a mri Thursday for swelling in my arm pits and chest are please pray that i get some needed answers thank you
  13. jenniferand2

    so much pain I pray I will just die

    I get in so much pain with my back it is unreal and Drs say they can not help me I am so sick of hearing this. I often Pray the lord will just let me come home. I do not really want to die but It is to much to live in this pain all the time.
  14. jenniferand2

    oridnary world
  15. jenniferand2

    Nostradamus and the bible is he a flase prophet or is he on to soemthing?

    has anyone done a study on Nostradamus and his theology and relate it to the bible to see if he was on to something or if he is considered a false prophet? I am just curious I now it has been done but I want to know what normal everyday people think. I am doing a bit of studying on this myself now.
  16. jenniferand2

    a remnder of Gods beauty

    I took this photo few weeks ago it reminds me that God is still with me even when things seem clouded over
  17. jenniferand2

    Happy Fathers Day To all The dads And Moms who take the role of Mom and Dad

    Happy Fathers Day to the Dads hope you all have a great day and love your children bunches.
  18. jenniferand2

    being Christain and still have hate full feelings twords others

    I understand people are very angry with all the violence that is going on. Some are even very hate full sounding. but the bible says these things fyi I am also very upset at peoples random violence I find it hard to not want to hate wicked people. 1 John 4:20 - If a man say, I love God, and...
  19. jenniferand2

    ready to run away to the mountains of nowhere

    I am ready to run away to the mountains of nowhere. Who's with me? I need some solitude and a break from the village idiots lol.