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  1. jenniferand2

    i have a EMG today it is going to hurt I hate them

    well I have a EMG today i am dreading every minute if it.. I am hoping it may show why my muscles are always in spasm. They swear it is not because of my neck and back but i don't know. If it is not then they really need to figure out what is going on because it is surely not helping my neck...
  2. jenniferand2

    still puttering around lol I went to my sisters for the weekend had fun

    I am still puttering around I went to my sisters for the weekend to doggy and house sit. I had a good time it was quiet and peaceful. I started my Math class last week so I have that going on. I am hoping my comp is going to be settled and done on my court date sept 26th. I am praying daily...
  3. jenniferand2

    The Lord is sending big warnings Storms etc. God is talking are we Listening

    God has been sending many messages lately to warn us of his desire to have his children become one with him. Storms all over Fires in the west out of control massive hurricanes one after another earth quakes. God is busy sending a message that should not be ignored. He is clearly wanting his...
  4. jenniferand2

    Shots being fired at firefighters and rescue people in texsas sigh....

    Shots are being fired at firefighters and rescue people in Texas... This makes me very angry. What is wrong with idiots who pull this kind of crap. This world has gone to crap. It is getting ridiculous. I am so angry and upset by this I have no words to describe my anger right now.
  5. jenniferand2

    making plans starting now*** can't do this anymore

    Okay so today I was helping my husband's friend grab some of his stuff and I don't know what happened he just went into a hole mode. He threw sonething real small at my hair no big deal. I said why ya throwing stuff at me. He went to brush my head with his hand to see if it was out of my hair...
  6. jenniferand2

    Oh now what next?? The Lincoln Memorial vandalised

    Just in the news the Lincoln .memorial has been vandalized. I really can't grasp all this nonsense. . So sick of losers destroying our history etc..
  7. jenniferand2

    Getting annoyed with the animals in this country History being destroyed

    So a wonder full group of protesters pull down a statue in North Carolina... I am annoyed because they are destroying History and some people are to ignorant to read history books in depth to figure out why these staute are a part of history...
  8. jenniferand2

    God bless these people in Napal MAssive flooding kills 80 so far

    Dear Lord please be with the people of Napal I am so sorry for the loss and torment they are suffering right now. Especially while a bunch of arrogant people here in the USA are fighting like dogs over freedoms..... Some people forget other countries are suffering greatly and are tremendously...
  9. jenniferand2

    prayer request please

    hello all I am asking for prayers please my pain levels are shooting higher and higher.. It is getting unbearable to the point where some day's I pretty much just feel like death would be better. I try not being very active to give things time to calm down.. i also try staying a bit active to...
  10. jenniferand2

    Want to church today and the sermen out on the full armour of God.

    Very good sermen today. How delivered me to the church that spoke of exactly what I needed to hear. AMEN.. He spoke wisely about how words hurt and how we all should remember to think before we speak. He also said to pray daily for God to help us control out tounge and our quick to react to...
  11. jenniferand2

    Red alert Guam preparing for attack .

  12. jenniferand2

    why did i click on a thread and get a survey pop up???????

    Why did i click on a thread and get a survey pop up supposedly from christian chat? what is that all about?
  13. jenniferand2

    I am asking for prayers for my daughter she is in a mess

    My daughter Just turned 24 years old this is my oldest daughter. She is very smart and beautiful. I know she has a pretty level head most of the time. However I just went out with her for her birthday I was the driver... I am very worried about her. when she goes out to drink with friends she...
  14. jenniferand2

    Dr Jefferss famous bible pastor on North Korea

    Jeffress: God Has Given Trump Authority to Take Out Kim Jong-Un - Fox Nation
  15. jenniferand2

    North Korea is planning an attack on Guam just in the news..

    North Korea still on a rampage. Just in the news they are looking to attack Guam.. Lots help out American Soldiers in these next several weeks. I feel a war about to start..
  16. jenniferand2

    North Korea is real mad and this is not good. ..

  17. jenniferand2

    thank God today was a very Good day....

    I woke up this am back feeling very good tailbone back in place for now... I only puffed on a cigarette 4 little puff's twice today... Gravings were intense today at times but I only caved first thing this morning for a few puffs and early this evening. saw my daughter for 3 hours today for...
  18. jenniferand2

    so confused and stressed a little...

    I am having problems with trying to map a plan with my next year or so in life so to speak.. I am having trouble deciding life situations like my living situations, my school, future work, etc... I know i am overwhelming myself by thinking of 90 things at a time but that's how i have always...
  19. jenniferand2

    I am here I am still alive all moved too yay.

    Just dropped in to say hello. It has been a few weeks. I am finally all moved into a new place. I like it very much. It has taken me a few weeks to recouperate from the move. I have been real sore and exhausted. But love where I am for now until maybe God blesses me enough to get my own home...
  20. jenniferand2

    Hello friends I am still alive barley but still here rain is killing me.

    Been puttering around home trying to find a place to move to. I have an apartment set to go to just have to do a few things then should be good I hope. It is been just about non stop raining this year so far here. Almost everyday a sprinkle or storm rolls through. It makes the pain in my body...