Search results

  1. jenniferand2

    Not moving to P.A after all had to pull contract on house

    Well turns out I am not moving to P.A after all. We pulled the contract on the house. We found out the company we were going to get the house from is Under investigation by the department of justice. Apparently the have been naughty. Thanking God we found out about it in the 30 day window. We...
  2. jenniferand2

    I miss my buddy in here Utah :(

    I wish Utah could come back maybe he can get another chance...
  3. jenniferand2

    anixety kicking in almost time to move i am afraid and nervous

    oh lord the anxiety is kicking in double time now... It is almost time to move to PA and now I am hoping this is not one of the biggest mistakes of my life. with all my health issues i have no idea who good dr.s would be if any.. I know no one there except depleted and I have never met her in...
  4. jenniferand2

    we are home owners now....

    we got the house in pa look out pa here we are moving soon
  5. jenniferand2

    For my broken crippled butt up and went to church today...

    Great experience got up and hobbled into church this morning. It is rare because I sleep so poorly I never get up in time. Good news is the building is still standing after I went in lol.. just joking. The serman was great it was about the Pentecost. Very interesting. Maybe try to get there...
  6. jenniferand2

    North Korea has fired at south Korea oh boy.......

    North Korea has fired at south korea.. breaking news. Just coming on i am not sure of details.
  7. jenniferand2

    hello just checking in been a while sorry much pain going on and lots to do>>>>

    hello just checking in been a while sorry much pain going on and lots to do>>>> So i am here checking in how is everyone? I have had a real bad few weeks with the constant rain coming my pain has tripled ughh. It is was nice for a few days so i came to life and of course did all...
  8. jenniferand2

    Really Struggling lately and been down on myself.

    I have been struggling lately and down on myself. I sometimes feel like my cycle of horrible life is never going to end. It seems like every time I do something to try to change things for the better I fail. I can not live life the way I would like off my miserable disability income. I can not...
  9. jenniferand2

    How to ruin your childs life forever....

    I feel the need to put this here. I can assure you of a few ways to ruin your child's life. One is to abandon them when they are young but old enough to remember. Two is to have more children but make your children raise your children... three is if your child asks you for help when they are a...
  10. jenniferand2

    had home interview today for apartment >>>>>

    I had my home interview today for the apartment.. It went well after giving them all my info except for the last time i peed lol it sounds like if my doctors says my dogs are for emotional support I will get the place. However My hubby still not has found a place so now I am getting a bit...
  11. jenniferand2

    no sleep last night so tired but can not sleep

    I was up all night last night my pain levels were horrible. Even after taking pain meds I was hurting really bad sigh. So I could not sleep. Praying that God will give me a nice nap today... Not to mention I have a trillion things on my mind. Honestly though the pain in my hands knees neck and...
  12. jenniferand2

    some sicko filmed on fb live himself murdering an innocent old man

    I saw the video posted where a man walk up to and shot a poor innocent guy while streaming it live on fb. This happened in Ohio. God lord what has this world come to? A bunch of sicko's out there and people wonder why I have anxiety so bad LOL.. Lord I pray for that man who was blasted away so...
  13. jenniferand2

    so close but so confused...

    So i lost my way of getting a case worker.. But i manged to find and apply for an apartment on my own. I even convinced my husband to get his own place for a while and he was in agreement.. well now fast forward a few weeks and he still has not been able to find a place to move to yet and we...
  14. jenniferand2

    am I crazy am I the only one who thinks Hillary is starting her own regime

    AM I crazy? Am i the only one who thinks Hillary may be starting her own regime.. I mean by getting into bed with other countries to make Trump Look bad. I still think her and her hubby and daughter have some wicked things going on and it think it is going to get even more wicked here soon...
  15. jenniferand2

    Happy Easter everyone

    hello Happy Easter to everyone.. God gave us a beautiful day outside to celebrate his rising from the dead.. Thank you Lord for paying the ultimate sacrifice for of our sins that we may get to know God the father on a personal level and live eternally. Praise God I am so glad you in my life...
  16. jenniferand2

    Do you think the United States is foolish if they think N Korea Is playing around??

    I am wondering if people think the U.S. is foolish if they think N.Korea is not sitting on more powerful nukes then they lead us to think they have??? I honestly think something inside of me is telling me that N. Korea is more dangerous then they let people believe. I think they may be a huge...
  17. jenniferand2

    updateI am finally able to move again from hurting my neck again

    Hello all I am finally today able to move after really hurting my neck sat.... The injury was pretty bad this time.. I see the surgeon in May to see whats next.. I am actually feeling pretty well today.. Knock on wood maybe just maybe I can get a week in with out pulling something in my neck or...
  18. jenniferand2

    hello got some results back for Neck mri

    I have some results here from x ray and then mri report Upright views including flexion-extension demonstrate no abnormal soft tissue swelling, fracture or dislocation. Small osteophytic spurs are seen at multiple levels particularly C4-5 C5-6 and C6-7. Physiologic motion is noted without...
  19. jenniferand2

    How can a mother hate her own child so much??

    My mother does everything she can do keep my daughter away from me.. she lies, she makes me look crazy.. my mother never calls me ever unless she wants to know where the child support is..not my birthday not Christmas nothing.. she always talks bad about me to everyone. Like I am a huge mistake...
  20. jenniferand2

    Anyone know how to get a family court judge thrown off the bench??

    So I sent to court this am voicing my concern about my adult brother and his hooligan friends being arrested with pot cocaine and heroin in the car. This is a b felony by the way. So I went for emergency custody back of my daughter because this in my eyes is endangerment because my brother is...