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    Believe it or not, the Bible is Man's Instruction Manual

    Your starting point is inaccurate. Why? You get it from a secular encyclopedia and your own thinking. Our starting point must be the Bible itself and its assumptions. What are they? 1. God created humans to be his agents tending his creation (Genesis 1 & 2). 2. Humans messed up through their...
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    How many times do we forgive?

    No, but Jesus does deliberate exaggeration to emphasize what his prayer says that we are to always forgive people, which doesn't necessarily reconciliation with them. From our end, we should be willing, but being reconciled with them is up to them.
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    Where is John the Apostle now?

    In verse 23, John specifically denies that Jesus meant he would not die. John's soul is in heaven, while his body is buried somewhere.
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    He certainly was a curious seeker, but the Scriptures don't even hint that he was saved until after Jesus' death when he helped Joseph of Aramathea bury Jesus. Even then, we don't know about his faith. Your question can't be answered from the Bible.
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    Does 1 John 3:15 say that someone who commits suicide doesn't have eternal life?

    Only God knows the heart of a person who commits suicide. I have ministered to people who were left behind, and they are usually devastated. Yes, it's a sin to take one's own life, but in the depths of depression it takes for that act to happen, who knows whether that person has come to believe...
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    God wills your steps, knowing you are always saved

    So, what do you believe about "once saved always saved"? It would be helpful if you would talk about Scripture instead of your speculations.
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    As in the days of Noah... ALL flesh had CORRUPTED itself

    Can you entertain one other interpretation of Genesis 6? The ones who mated with the women are the descendants of Cain, who began the sinfully corrupt line from Adam (previous context). The ones who married Cain's line were descended from Seth, the head of the people of faith whose lives were...
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    What is the point in being a prophet?

    1. How do you know God has called you to be a prophet? Has he used other people affirm that gift in you, not necessarily the future aspect of it? 2. The gift of prophecy in these days is the preaching of God's Word with a specific, challenging application for people's lives that sometimes has a...
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    Day of the Lord is for Sinners

    Look at the first verse. The greatest world power at that time, Babylon, would be defeated and destroyed. Cyrus of Persia defeated them but didn't destroy them. Of course, great Babylon in Revelation refers to Rome but also to the ungodly world system that Jesus will destroy at the end of...
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    The tribulation

    What is your biblical proof?
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    Romans 10:13

    One very important Bible interpretation principle is to use the context, the verses around a verse--the chapter, the book, and the whole Bible--to interpret it.
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    Some clarity needed.

    We get a soul when we are conceived in the womb, but a new birth when we believe in Jesus. The Holy Spirit creates that second birth (see John 3). As a result, we believers have a new nature within that seeks to overcome the old, sinful nature that remains within us until our physical death.
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    When Jesus Said That GOD Is a Spirit, What Was He Talking About?

    Your description is very biblical, but it leaves one thing out. Jesus, with is physical body, is also spirit along with the Father and the Holy Spirit as the one God.
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    True gospel

    You can add Colossians 3, where in the first verse, Paul says we have been raised (resurrected the new birth) with Christ. Then, he goes on to apply that teaching (historical event) to our lives. I think that pastors are scared of challenging their people for fear of making them uncomfortable...
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    Calvin did not invent the doctrines of grace

    You're setting up a straw man for people to knock down. In other words, as a Calvinist who went to a solidly biblical Reformed seminary and was a pastor in a Reformed church, I never heard anyone claim that John Calvin "invented" the doctrine of grace, even during a semester course on Calvin's...
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    The Father And The Son Is The Family Of GOD

    Fellow believers, what is your meaning in making the heading "The Father and the Son is the Family of God"? What about the Holy Spirit? The Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are the three Persons of the ONE true God, I would say. He is a Divine Mystery.
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    Discerning the will of God

    Are you reading God's Word daily and praying all the time about your decisions? If so, God will make it clear so that you will know.
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    Works of the Law

    What do you think the church teaches about Paul's idea of grace? Do you mean Ephesians 2:1-10?
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    Not By Works

    Very true, but the Lord enables us to do good works as a result of his salvation through Jesus (Ephesians 2:8-10).