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    Go ye into all the world and announce the MILLENNIUM to every creature

    We're suppose to preach God's Word and not wander from it. However, there are three or four possible interpretations of the few key passages. I think we need to preach on the undisputed passages most of all.
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    New Age practices in the body of Christ

    As a retired pastor after serving 27 years, I haven't seen or heard any New Age or Higher Consciousness trends at all.
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    Not By Works

    No, it means that as we peel back the layers of sin in us, we discover more and more of our inner sins, even when God enables us to get better at controlling our outer sins--all by the power of Jesus' mighty victory.
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    Are All Books of the Whole Holy Bible Divinely Inspired?

    If your answer is "yes" or "no," in what ways is your answer "no"?
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    Speak Your Mind.

    You're my kind of guy, old hermit. I too have a sense of humor; it's in all my books! I guess I qualify as old too at 80!
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    Speak Your Mind.

    What do you want to discuss about transformation and the Christian walk as well as the joy of the Lord. Fire away!
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    Who Justifieth the Ungodly

    We believers are the ungodly God justifies when we first believe.
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    Bullying why?

    What in this quote says to you that we need to "kick butt"? Yes, a "time to kill" but it doesn't say what or who we're to kill. Killing according to God, I believe, only can happen in self-defense when someone tries to kill us: "Love your neighbor as yourself." We must love and protect ourselves...
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    I Samuel Chapter 2

    I see no evidence that he tried to change their ways. He complained to them, but he could have suspended them from being priests to stop them. Talk is cheap with unbelievers.
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    Reverse Christianity

    Yes, you're right, of course. However, to read just the first two chapters is unfair to Paul. He uses the first two chapters and the third to describe the "already" of the gospel, whereas the last three chapters elaborate on 2:10 in calling us to strive to overcome the "not-yet" of the gospel...
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    Genesis one

    You skipped the first verse.
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    Many Scriptures are not directed at Church Age Saints

    You're talking about two layers of meaning. Of course, all the books of the Bible have immediate audiences like the four gospels with different emphases for their audiences. However, the teachings and history of the Bible have personal applications for all Christians.
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    tithing a way out of poverty

    If that's your purpose, it's not biblical. Tithing is the way we Christians express our great gratitude for Jesus' sacrifice for us. It is not at all for getting anything for ourselves. Self-centeredness = sin. After all, God owns all our income and wealth already.
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    Do You Believe the Whole Holy Bible is True?

    But the REPORT of that false statement about Jesus is true, though the statement by the religious leaders is false.
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    Do You Believe the Whole Holy Bible is True?

    I'd be interested in your further explanation of your view
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    Christians and Virtual Reality. Kids becoming Jesus

    i have a short, simple reply to the video game. Jesus is God. Are our children going to play God too by playing the game? I hope not.
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    Day 46 Omer Count– Sivan 3 - May 23

    Those verses are clear that the king, probably David, is called to fight against the Canaanites whom Israel left in the land of promise against God's will. According to the New Testament (for example, Ephesians 6:10-20), our enemies are the devil and the demons. Therefore, we need to seek God's...
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    Three Questions for Calvinists

    The answers are "yes," "yes," and "because they didn't come to the banquet." This parable warns us to make the "kingdom of God" the number one priority in our lives, that is, loving God above in grateful obedience to him, since the 3-in-1 God is our supreme Ruler, and we are his subjects.