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    Widow and Unjust Judge

    Parables most of the time have one point, and Jesus tells us in verses 1 and 7 that we must pray persistently. Don't read too much into the parable. God is willing to answer our persistent prayers, the way the persistent widow who keeps coming to the judge. But he doesn't always answer them the...
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    What Is The Reason You Give When Asked About The Hope That Is In You?

    It depends on the person I am talking to. We may be talking about science and the universe; then, I share my belief in the Creator. If they disbelieve Jesus' resurrection, I tell them about the way God convinced me at the age of 16 that Jesus rose from the dead.
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    You don't identify the "Son of Man," who is obviously Jesus, whom the nations will worship. And he is also equal with the Ancient of Days, who is the Father, with whom Jesus rules the nations. We know these references because Jesus' favorite title for himself is Son of Man.
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    John 1

    Why do you ignore the whole first part of John 1, which shows that the Word was God and was with God and that the Word took on human flesh as Jesus? Your paraphrase is sadly lacking those vital truths, that is, two of the three Persons of the 3-in-1 God are a divine Mystery. In chapters 14-16...
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    Don't Put God In A Box

    No, they usually mean that we shouldn't narrow our thinking to a part of the Bible's teaching about him or only one of his characteristics like love and ignore the fact that he is the just Judge, for example.
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    How to love your family, when God hates the nonelects?

    My unbelieving father became a believer when he was 77 years old; you cannot know for sure that anyone is a non-elect because God only knows. They could repent and believe with their dying breath. You are scattering spiritual seeds that God may plant and make grow later.
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    Did Jesus take the punishment for our sins?

    Your punctuation says the opposite of your intended meaning. A comma after "cross" and a small "w" would clarify it.
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    More on Baptism, simple version

    I agree with you about all you say except that we are perfectly holy until we sin. We always have the sinful nature inside us making us impatient, for example. Then, it tends to come out in actions. That's why after the New Testament describes the "already" of salvation (Ephesians 1-3; Galatians...
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    Mark 10:9 what GOD has joined together.....even for bad marriages?

    Jesus approved the arranged marriages of his time except for adultery. In the case of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, the spouse must separate herself from that situation and call the abusive spouse to get help, for he or she has broken the marriage vows.
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    water baptism in Jesus' Name.

    You have brought to us a lot to consider. I was baptized three times in Jesus' name and the Father's and the Holy Spirit's. So, would I be triple-assured or nine-times-assured (a serious question)? The first time was as an infant; the second, when I followed the twelve-year-old herd into church...
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    Why does 1 Timothy 4:10 say that Jesus is the "savior of ALL people"?

    He was neither, because he lifted women up to a high status; "Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church," whereas women had the status of slaves or property before Paul. In other words, husbands are to serve their wives' every need, and then God will make them servant-leaders in their...
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    Why does 1 Timothy 4:10 say that Jesus is the "savior of ALL people"?

    Whatever version you are using, I suggest a good translation instead of yours. Your "everyone" is all people in the translation ESV. This one betrays the "translator's" own meaning, that is, universalism that says all people will be saved. However, Paul immediately qualifies his statement by...
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    How many People Think the Jews Could Be Wrong?

    Paul and Peter describe the church as God's temple with Jesus as the chief cornerstone.
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    Sinful Roots In The Heart

    You've covered the first step, that is, recognizing those sins in us, not just in others. The second step is discovering how to overcome those self-centered uses of our anger and anxiety. God enabled me through psychological means, to follow the first step at the end of my seven years of major...
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    Remember Lot's Wife

    The following verse explains it. She sought to seek her life and lost it.
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    Do you think transgenders go to heaven?

    Leviticus commanded Israel not to wear clothes of the opposite sex, but in the case of trans people, the same rule applies as for the rest of us--believe and repent, which means trust in Jesus as your way to eternal life and show evidence of turning your life around. Only God can possibly judge...
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    Can a Christian be a hermit?

    A Christian's job is to be a witness, not to evangelize people. Evangelism is a specisl gift of the Spirit. We must share what God has done in our lives, which is witnessing (Acts 1:8) like in court. But to answer your question, I'm alone a lot, but I need the small group in our church for...
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    The take.

    Your last statements are confusing to me. How are the three Persons the same Person? I think that we run circles around ourselves in our human logic until we finally admit that the Trinity, as the Bible describes it, is a mystery that we can't comprehend with our limited logic and reasoning. Go...
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    Does the Bible support the idea of a spinning ball earth flying through space, or is that a Satanic, Masonic lie?

    I think you're asking a question that the Bible doesn't care about. It is the HISTORY of his Story. Of course, science has proven that the earth is round, but that's not the Bible's emphasis at all. It's not a scientific treatise but is God's love story to us through his work in history and...
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    It's an artificial comparison. We can serve God at any time and all the time. Yes, the writers tell us about them at different stages, but their emphasis is on other aspects than their ages.