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  1. B

    Who REALLY is God Almighty!

    Why am I a "Trinny," as you apparently want to call me? Because the Gospel of John shows the doctrine of the Trinity very clearly: 1. Jesus says the words "I am" seven times to describe his deity. He is identifying with the God of Moses' burning bush (Exodus 3 and 4). 2. It begins unmistakably...
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    I think I should wait until the millennium age to start dating again.

    Who are we supposed to be pleasing--ourselves, others, or Jesus--all the time? Jesus. Certainly, never ourselves.
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    I think I should wait until the millennium age to start dating again.

    What would be the point of dating when you will not be married at all then, as Jesus said?
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    Past sins forgiven

    Yes, always!
  5. B

    Past sins forgiven

    Your comment mystifies me. It wasn't snarky at all. I was just curious as to the origin of this idea. My apologies for leading you into questioning my comment. Exactly what was the nature of your discussion?
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    Past sins forgiven

    So, what's your point about? Well, if you want to be picky, Cain was an unbeliever. Christ's sacrifice provided forgiveness for people of faith then, as Hebrews 11 says clearly.
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    Once saved always saved (OSAS) debunked

    I don't speculate about Scripture.
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    Past sins forgiven

    See my reply above this one.
  9. B

    Past sins forgiven

    By persistently claiming the victory of Jesus' death and resurrection for death to our old-nature qualities and life to our new-nature qualities as in Paul's lists in Colossians 3 (based on the power of Jesus' resurrection in verse one) and Ephesians 4.
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    Once saved always saved (OSAS) debunked

    John 10:28 says "no one" can be snatched from Jesus' hand as the good Shepherd. No one also includes the person he's talking about. Your explanation does not make any sense. Also, you neglect to quote John 6: Joh 6:37 All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will...
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    Past sins forgiven

    Yes, the eternal form of the law for Israel has gone away through Jesus, but the inner principles continue on for the church. For example, the law saying we may not eat certain unclean foods is gone because Jesus and Paul both said that all foods are clean for us. However, those laws in...
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    Past sins forgiven

    Paul says very clearly in Romans 3 and Galatians 1-4 that all our sins have been justified when we first believe. Justification is a legal term meaning that God our just Judge declares us "not guilty" and "right with him' in his court because Jesus took our guilty verdict on himself. However...
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    Past sins forgiven

    If you're saying that John's gospel is corrupted, what basis do you have to say that statement? It is part of God's Word until you prove to me that it is not. Go ahead and prove your comment, but I won't argue with you.
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    Past sins forgiven

    Are you saying that God never forgave David's two horrendous sins? He is described as a man after God's own heart; he wrote most of the psalms. The Old Testament saints, for example those mentioned in the Book of Hebrews as people of true faith, were forgiven through the future death of Jesus...
  15. B

    Hi, everyone!

    God has made me a pastor/preacher/teacher (27 years) and then, in retirement, a published author after I was an English teacher (8 years) and a sales manager (3 years) running away from God's call to be a pastor like Jonah. I enjoy writing books (12 published now), swimming laps, and watching...
  16. B

    God gave us guidance on killer pit bulls and their owners!

    Old Testament laws' external forms no longer apply to Christians, while the inner principles still do. It seems to me that the inner principle of this law is our personal responsibility for the actions of our children and animals. In other words, we are accountable before God, our Judge, for...
  17. B

    Calvin did not invent the doctrines of grace

    Have you read his Institutes, or have you only believed what someone has said about them? Read them to find out what he actually says. You might come out with a different view.