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  1. B

    Only 4 Percent of Americans Hold a Biblical Worldview

    It would be very interesting to find out how he defines it and what questions he used. I agree with what you have said.
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    Jehovah’s Witnesses

    They have their own translation that slants ours to deny the plain truth that the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are all one God in three Persons, a clear teaching of the Bible, especially the Gospel of John.
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    How is evangelism to take place in our day?

    We are all called to be witnesses of what God has done in our lives, but there is also a spiritual gift of evangelism, which enables a person to lead people to believe in Jesus. Witnesses can also do that, but the special gift enables certain Christians to be evangelists. Some pastors have it...
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    Only 4 Percent of Americans Hold a Biblical Worldview

    How does Barna define the biblical worldview? Biblical theism?
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    Can we trust the Angels?

    Why do you need to trust the other angels? The ones left are trustworthy because they do God's bidding. Trust the 3-in-1 God through Jesus' perfectly-trustworthy life, death, and resurrection.
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    Who Justifieth the Ungodly

    Now, you're talking about the already/not yet of the gospel. In Colossians 1-2, Paul describes the gospel's already aspect. In other words, when Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead, we are already made perfect in God's eyes; but we still have the sinful nature within us. Therefore, in...
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    5 Points of Arminianism

    It all boils down to our definition of the word "foreknow" in Romans 8. Some people (I believe, Arminians) think it's God's thinking ahead of time that so-and-so will believe, and so he saves him or her. The word's meaning in the Bible is an intimate, personal love for that person, when it is...
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    The Impeccability of Our Lord Jesus Christ

    1. Don't go by the dictionary meanings of words; use a good Bible dictionary for biblical meanings, because the former are people's common usage, not God's meanings. 2. To be tempted is not to sin. Jesus was tempted as a fully human Person, but as a fully-divine Person, he rejected the...
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    How does a Christian keep the Sabbath Holy?

    Now, you're asking about the difference between the Old and New Testaments (covenants). Jesus did away with the external form of the law, including the Sabbath Day regulations. For example, he and his disciples were going through a wheat field, and his followers were picking the heads of wheat...
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    I think I should wait until the millennium age to start dating again.

    There is another interpretation of Genesis 6:1 and following that makes more sense given the previous context, which traces the two lineages of Seth and Cain, the "good" and "evil" lines from Adam. Those intermarried, and evil dominated the human race except for Noah and his family.
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    I think I should wait until the millennium age to start dating again.

    I can testify about the gift of singleness. After 56 years married to my dear wife, I experienced her sudden death, and God has made me a confirmed bachelor to concentrate more on my media ministry writing and publishing books and other media.
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    I think I should wait until the millennium age to start dating again.

    You're right. But my watching sports on TV was an idol in my life for selfish pleasure until God convicted me early in my ministry when I preached on 1 Corinthians 10:31, which says basically that we're supposed to do everything to God's glory. He led me to use my mind while I watched to praise...
  13. B

    Who REALLY is God Almighty!

    Most biblical interpretation depends on the context. Judas asks a question about his betrayal, but Jesus claims to be the good Shepherd with his "I am," an obvious identification with the Shepherd-Lord of David in Psalm 23:1.
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    Does God want you to take charge and tell Him what to do?

    It's not a dispensational problem because the saints of the Old Testament have the same kind of faith as the ones of the New Testament, as Hebrews 11 amply demonstrates. Paul told God to take away his "thorn in the flesh." The key phrase in the question is "take charge." We must always let God...
  15. B

    Why Moses and Elijah were at the transfiguration.

    In your second example, Moses is just as easily associated with water as blood, as the Red Sea's opening does too. You haven't proven your statement yet.
  16. B

    Jesus Revolution ?

    I've found that preaching to them about their lifestyle doesn't respect them as persons. The best way is to share with them our stories of what God has done in our lives, that is, what witnessing is all about. They will listen to your stories about how God has changed you in your Christian walk...
  17. B

    Why Moses and Elijah were at the transfiguration.

    The writer that said your interpretation is "eisogesis" is shown by this description of your experiences. You felt that God revealed some things to you, and then you confirmed them when you looked in the Bible. The term means reading into the Bible's passages our own interpretation rather than...
  18. B

    Why Moses and Elijah were at the transfiguration.

    If you have any passages that connect Moses with the blood of the old covenant and Elijah, the water, your argument would persuade me more. However, I think the traditional interpretation makes more biblical sense.
  19. B

    Does God want you to take charge and tell Him what to do?

    My answer is as follows: 1. Yes, in many Psalms, David implores or demands that God rescue him, for example. However, he is at the center of God's will in running away from Saul and, later, Absalom. If we know that what we ask for is biblical already, we can implore God to do it. 2. If we have...