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  1. B

    What did He see?

    Well, from eternity in the past, the Second Person of the Trinity, who became Jesus, has been with the First Person as his Agent for everything he did with the power of the Third Person, the Holy Spirit. In creation, for example, the Bible says that the Father made everything and everyone...
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    Christ kept the Law of Moses, so....

    You bring up a very fascinating subject for us. It's one I've meditated on in seminary and during 27 years of preaching. My answer is that it involves the similarities and differences between the old and new covenants. The differences are that the national, outward forms of the law have been...
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    The Words of our Father

    This list is very impressive, but what's your point?
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    Can anyone really doubt we are living in the Last Days?

    Christians in every generation have seen events that seem to show that their generation is the last one. It is my understanding from seminary and preaching study that the phrase "the last days" actually refers to the time between his first and second comings. That's why we must continue to pray...
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    Crucifixion on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday?

    It is my understanding that the Jews of that time counted any part of a day as a full day; therefore, I vote for Friday.
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    Past sins forgiven

    Bible interpretation always must depend on the context of and the other words in the verse. The key word in this verse is "declare." Why? It's because when God declares through his people his forgiveness for unbelievers' past sins, his offer stands, but it's the hearers' responsibility whether...
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    Hell, Sheol, Hades...

    Whether or not the references to hell are figurative, I'm not sure. However, I think that hell will be the absence of God's powerful presence and of all the means people have depended on for satisfaction and security. That, my friend, is a horrible hell, which is pictured as outer darkness AND...
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    Salvation is for the Whole World

    You cannot base any theology on one verse. It needs to take its substance from the whole Bible's teachings. Yes, the sins of the whole world are propitiated, but the Bible also says that a large majority of humans will reject God's gracious offer of the forgiveness of their sins.
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    Whom Did Christ Die For?

    The big question about that passage is the meaning of the word "foreknew." Some people assume they know the meaning. They think it means "know about" ahead of time. That is, the people whom God knew ahead of time decided to accept Jesus and then God chose to know them. However, we must define...
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    I experienced 7 years of major depression. It seemed as if my prayers were bouncing off the ceiling until I found God's help through Christian psychological help at a Christian mental hospital in Grand Rapids, Michigan, called Pine Rest. There, God got me in touch with my anger and grief that I...