This is a trustworthy saying, worthy of full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners,
of whom I am the worst. Well, we see ourselves the same way unless you are a free willer, in which case,
you weren't such a bad guy, and your eyes did not need opening, and your ears did not need to be unstopped,
and your heart was not wicked, it was not beyond cure, and did not require circumcision, before you decided
to believe the foolishness of the gospel while suppressing the truth in unrighteousness as a slave to sin and
lover of darkness captive to the will of the devil... those things said of the natural man do not apply to free
willers in their enlightened minds, for they believe they were able to embrace the very things Scripture says
they were opposed to. They deny the Scriptural truths the Bible makes plain from beginning to end. Which is
truly astounding. Me, I give full credit to God. He drew me with loving kindness, just as His revealed written
Word promised. He revealed Himself to me just as His revealed written Word promised. He raised me to new
life just, as His revealed written Word attests... and He circumcised my heart, just as His revealed written Word
promised, because as surely as I live and breathe, I was not able to do those things for myself, and I sure as
heck know I was not worthy of the love He bestowed on me, or the forgiveness He gave. And having these
things revealed to me as His revealed written Word promises, I now, as I have before, recall Peter to mind,
who, when Jesus asked the Twelve, “Do you want to leave too?” Simon Peter replied, “Lord, to whom would
we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that You are the Holy One of God.”