I probably read mine more than you do. Just a guess. Based on YOUR posts.
Yes, is absolutely ABLE TO. But, you STILL haven't found any verse that says He WILL. And you seem unaware of the difference.
Their bodies.
Their bodies.
Yep. Their bodies will cease to exist.
When their resurrected body is cast into the LOF, it surely WILL disappear.
God WILL destroy the body.

This passage is directly to BELIEVERS, and refers to divine discipline that includes physical death.
Their bodies.
How does this verse support your anti-ECT agenda?
Good verse for describing what will happen to the body at physical death. It does NOT help you at all.
Yep. When a person dies, none of their plans will go on.
The dead won't know anything about what's happening on the earth. They don't have CNN in heaven or Hades.
Physical death, OBVI0USLY to those with discernment.
Nothing about souls disappearing.
Obviously referring to bodies. How do souls, which are immaterial, "burn like straw". Ever see a soul burn?
Yes, He SURE CAN. But where is the verse that SAYS He WILL. Oh, yeah, you can't differentiate between "can" and "will". Sorry.
Their bodies will perish.
Bodies, my dear man.
A "punishment" must be experienced in order to BE a punishment. This verse proves ECT. Thanks!
Thanks to Adam, all humans will experience physical death. Heb 9:27 proves it as well.
Bodies, like cities, will burn up. Yep. Thanks for another great verse that refutes annihilation of the soul.
Ah, yes. The "second death". The bodies of unbelievers will be resurrected to attend the GWT judgment. And they WILL DIE again.
That makes 2. Real simple.
Do you have any more verses that you'd like me to comment on? This is fun.
Yes, is absolutely ABLE TO. But, you STILL haven't found any verse that says He WILL. And you seem unaware of the difference.
Their bodies.
Their bodies.
Yep. Their bodies will cease to exist.
When their resurrected body is cast into the LOF, it surely WILL disappear.
God WILL destroy the body.
This passage is directly to BELIEVERS, and refers to divine discipline that includes physical death.
Their bodies.
How does this verse support your anti-ECT agenda?
Good verse for describing what will happen to the body at physical death. It does NOT help you at all.
Yep. When a person dies, none of their plans will go on.
The dead won't know anything about what's happening on the earth. They don't have CNN in heaven or Hades.
Physical death, OBVI0USLY to those with discernment.
Nothing about souls disappearing.
Obviously referring to bodies. How do souls, which are immaterial, "burn like straw". Ever see a soul burn?
Yes, He SURE CAN. But where is the verse that SAYS He WILL. Oh, yeah, you can't differentiate between "can" and "will". Sorry.
Their bodies will perish.
Bodies, my dear man.
A "punishment" must be experienced in order to BE a punishment. This verse proves ECT. Thanks!
Thanks to Adam, all humans will experience physical death. Heb 9:27 proves it as well.
Bodies, like cities, will burn up. Yep. Thanks for another great verse that refutes annihilation of the soul.
Ah, yes. The "second death". The bodies of unbelievers will be resurrected to attend the GWT judgment. And they WILL DIE again.
That makes 2. Real simple.
Do you have any more verses that you'd like me to comment on? This is fun.