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  1. J

    Three easy ways to improve your health...

    • Exercise to music In a study by researchers at Springfield College, Springfield, Mass. found that those "working out" while listening 🎧 to lively tunes exercise 25% longer before feeling exhausted than those who "sweat in silence". • Don't skimp on sleep Doctors at the University of...
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    Keep Your Mind Sharp!

    Most cognitive decline is related to vascular disease, so you need to "take care of" the blood vessels that supply the blood. One of the ways is by consuming a lot of fruits 🍓🍒🍎🍉🍑🍍🥝🍇 and vegetables 🥕🌽🥦🍄🍆🥔🌶️🥑 as well as, whole grains, low fat protein and green tea. Fish🐟 is also a plus for...
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    A secret...

    Of lucky people. Assume fate is on your side. To cultivate the right attitude, youmust beleve that good things happen to you all he time, not just rarely. If you perceive life's setbacks as"business as usual", you won't bother behaving in positive ways that change your situation. On the...
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    Where there is love, there is life. Where there is hope, there is faith. Where there is faith, miracles happen. Where there is peace, there is God, when you have God, You have everything. Amen.
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    Who should read the Bible?

    The learn how to live. The know how to die. The Ignorant...For wisdom. The Learned...for humility. The Rich..for compassion. The Poor...for comfort. The Dreamer...for enchantment. The Practical...for counsel. The strength. The Strong...for direction. The...
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    Luck Starts with Happiness

    Is there a connection between being happy and being lucky? "When you're happy, you're smarter, you interact better with other people and are healthier" states a psychiatrist. "All of this adds up to what we commonly call luck." What's the best way to become happy-go-lucky? The following is...
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    Move More...

    Joining a gym is a good idea..but really... All the have to do is Move More. Make it a daily challenge to find ways to move your body. Comb stairs, if given the choice between that, and escalators or elevators. Toss balls with friends or kids. Mow the lawn. Anything that moves your limbs...
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    Laughter - Medicine with Great Side Effects...

    Have you ever noticed how great your body feels after a "good belly laugh"? 😂 The healing effects of laughter are numerous. It has been proven by psychoneuroimmunologists that negative emotions, such as anxiety, depression and anger, weaken the immune system of the body, thereby reducing it's...
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    The Magic Trick....

    To be Happy All the time.. If you always bring yourself back to the present moment, the future will take care of itself. The abundance will grow every time you bring yourself back to the present moment and count the things you are grateful for. That's it. That's the only trick to get great...
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    Can Optimism Make You Healthy?

    In a study of first year law students at the Univ. of Calif. at Los Angeles, psychologists discovered students with positive attitudes and expectations had stronger immune systems and overall good health. Researchers drew blood from "declared optimistics" and a control group. They then...
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    Just for you...

    The sun is up, The sky is blue, Today is beautiful... And so are you!
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    Good Remedy...

    Bored? Angry? Tense? Laugh! Laughing gets your blood circulating and makes you breathe deeply, and these things are good for your health. Laughing boosts the immune system to help you fight infections. It also stimulates your body to release endorphins which give a feeling of relaxation...
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    Quick and Easy Stress-busters...

    A hot a proven stress reliever. Move around..take a quick trip around your workplace or "around the block". Walk up and down a flight of stairs. Stretch while seated. Take 10 long, deep breaths. Remember, no matter what situation you're "in", you always choose how to respond. 😉
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    Quick tip...

    First thing in the morning, stretch your entire body slowly,,...just like a cat or dog does when they get up. This helps to lubricate your joints and gets your muscles ready for activity.
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    The sea...

    The sea is the same for all... But Some find pearls, Some find fishes, Some just find their feet wet, Life is common for all...but We can only get what we try for.
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    Be Carful

    Be careful of your thoughts....for your thoughts become your words. Be careful of your words...for they become your actions. Be Carful of your actions...for they become your habits. Be careful of your habits....for they become your character. Be careful of your character..for your character...
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    One smile, can start a friendship One word, can end a fight One look , can save a relationship One person, change your whole life!
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    Improve Your Vision...

    With Berries! The Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University has discovered that the humble blueberry and it's European cousin, the bilberry, are a uniquely rich source of the powerful antioxidant, anthocyanin. Anthocyanin givees grapes, blackberries and blueberries their...
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    Heàlthy Hydration...

    Water? Gatorade? Juice? 🤔 Which should one drink?🤔 Roughly 60% of the body is composed of water. For the most part, water is a good choice to quench thirst. The majority of your fluid intake should come from water. Sports drinks such as Gatorade and Powerade are appropriate choices for...
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    "I thank you for this day of life for feet to wàlk amidst the glorious trees for hands to pick the beautiful flowers from the earth for a sense of smell to breathe in the sweet perfumes of nature for a mind to think about and appreciate All the magic of everyday miracles.