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  1. J

    A Faith question...

    Listening to a a Christian radio mentioned that someone was a Semi- Agnostic. Can anyone explain how that could be? I would think one is or isn't. 🤔
  2. J

    What Am I?

    Somewhere between always give to others and always keeping it alL to myself, I stand Somehow between only caring for others and only caring for me, I live. But, when I am only for others, I ask, "Who will be for me? And, when I am only for me, then what am I?"
  3. J

    Let us remember...

    A child's life is like a piece of paper... on which every person leaves a mark!
  4. J

    Don't Make It Easy...

    For a thief to steal "your wheels" In the U.S., a vehicle is stolenevery 21 seconds. Stolen cars, vans, trucks and motorcycles cost victims time and money-- increasing everyone's insurance premiums. They're also often used to commit other crimes. The Basic Prevention Policy • Never leave...
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    The Sugar! THe USDA recommends that people consume no more than 10 teaspoons of added sugar (160 calories) per day in a 2,000calorie per day diet. Since it "can be tricky" to determine just how much sugar you are consuming, keep the following in mind, the next time you go shopping: (1) Be...
  6. J

    A Re-mind-er

    Dim the Lights to Calm Down Trying to make a decision? Research now shows you may want to turn down the lights. In a series of experiments, researchers at The University of Toronto Scarborough found that people feel emotions more intensely under bright lights, possibly because the body...
  7. J

    Each day...

    Life is a journey with problems to solve...and Lessons to learn... but most of all..experiences To enjoy! 😉
  8. J

    Kitchen Safety 101...

    It might be time to keep a fire extinguisher handy. The National Kitchen and Bath Association recommends that you never store an extinguisher near or under a cook top or range because those are the areas most likely to "go up in smoke." Instead, be sure your extinguisher is easy to reach and...
  9. J


    When listening to a Christian radio station program, I heard the phrase..."Delete it better than you found it!" I have been " mulling this over"..🤔...but can't seem "to get it". Opinions, please! Anything? Enlighten me!
  10. J

    "Put on a Happy Face"...

    Today, Oct. 1 is World Smile Day 😊 World Smile Day celebrates the ever popular yellow smiley. it also offers us an opportunity to do an act of kindness. According to the World Smile Day website, a proclamation of this day was made by the U.S. Congress. The first World Smile Day celebration...
  11. J

    Immune System...

    Responds to events Researchers have discovered such as pleasant family celebrations 🎂 or evenings with friends 🍷boost the Immune system for the following two days. Unpleasant moments had the opposite effect: negative events, such as being critized, weakend the immune function for one day...
  12. J

    Most can say...

    " Didn't see that coming!" What's yours? 🤔
  13. J

    Answered Prayers...

    When making a request and praying to God for an answer... Remember.."If you believe you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer" (Matthew 21:22). Your prayers will be granted in His time and His way, but He will answer. If you have been blessed with an answered prayer, care to share?
  14. J

    Lost Your Remote?

    A Logitech survey says you have a 50% chance of finding a lost remote between the cushions in the couch. Here are the other places people found them: 8% in the bathroom 8% in a dresser drawer 4% in the fridge/freezer 🙄 2% outside or in the car? Where is the "strangest" place you've found...
  15. J

    It's Friday...Family Pizza Night...

    Americans eat 350 slices of pizza a second and the most popular topping is pepperoni. Favorite toppings in India are pickled ginger, minced mutton and paneer cheese. In Japan, Mayo Jaga (a combination of mayonnaise, potato and bacon) Eel and squid are the favorites. Green peas are tops in...
  16. J

    Clipping Coupons Is Really Worth The Effort...

    Studies have found if you spend just 20 minutes a week gathering coupons, you can save $800 to $1,000 a year. Even if you generally buy generic items, many of the Coupons for brand-name items are so good they "work out" in your favor. There are many places to find coupons. Try looking in...
  17. J

    "Two teachers"...

    Life and Time are the world's two teachers... LIFE teaches us to " make good use of time"... WhIle...TIME teaches us " the value of life". 🤗
  18. J

    CPR Is Now spelled C-A-B

    If you saw somebody in sudden cardiac arrest, would you know what to do? According to New guidelines from the American Heart Association, you should begin chest compressions immediately. The Association has changed the order of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) from A-B-C (Airway-...
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    It takes time to live... Like any work of art 🌌 Life needs to be thought about!
  20. J

    What Belongs in A Go Bag?

    Each family should have an emergency kit, or Go-bag ready at a moment's notice. What goes inside? ( Check with for a thorough packing list.) For nourishment: Non-perishable food, can opener and water. For safety: Battery-powered or hand-crank radio, pliers, whistle, flashlight and...