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  1. J

    More Egg-citing news...

    Eggs contain less cholesterol than they did 10 years ago! A large egg has 185mg, down from 215mg. The Egg Nutrition Center says the drop may be due to changes in hen's diets, the way the chickens are bred or other factors.
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    Optimistic Outlook May Reduce Risk of Stroke. Being optimistic and hopeful may reduce risk of stroke, suggests the results of a study done at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. Upbeat moods and attitudes may, somehow, help the immune system function better. Consequently...
  3. J

    These are....

    Some symptoms Fatigue Poor memory Immune weakness Mood swings or Depression Poor circulation Vision problems Of...lack of Omega-3 oil. Omega-3 is a great anti-inflammatory nutritional product. Those issues can be caused by inflammation. Omega-3 oil has strong anti-inflammatory properties...
  4. J

    Three easiest things to do for your health...

    1. Take à nice, long walk every day. 2. Take a good multivitamin. 3. Take a nap, if needed.
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    Muscle Soreness and Cramps

    Soaking in the tub with Epsom salts and baking soda ( 3 cups each) can alleviate muscle cramps, as well as soreness from over-exertion. The Epsom salts will add magnesium to your body through the skin, which is more effective than taking a supplement by mouth. Another way to do this, is to...
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    Think about it...

    The difficulties we experience always illuminate the lessons we need most.
  7. J

    Did you know?

    Chocolate May Be Good For Your Health Eating dark chocolate- but, unfortunately, not milk chocolate - raises the levels of antioxidants in the blood, which may, in turn, help protect against heart disease. Despite this good news, you should limit your chocolate consumption to no more than 3...
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    You know the importance of schedulings annual checkups with your doctors. Is it your time to do so?
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    Every day...

    One small positive thought Can change the direction of the whole day!
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    Something to think about...

    Is Meditation the Push-up for the brain? Researchers at UCLA are finding that people who meditate also have stronger connections between brain regions and show less age-related atrophy. Having stronger connections improves the brain's ability to rapidly relay electrical signals. These effects...
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    The power of caring

    Within all of us, there is untold power. An unstoppable strength, A desire to do more. Do what you can with what you have.
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    Always stand for the right thing At the right time For all the right reasons!
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    Yesterday is history... Tomorrow is a mystery Today is a gift... Learn from the past.. Plan for the future Live today!
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    May be helpful...

    T'ai ancient Chinese exercise that combines slow movement with meditation, may help ease Arthritis pain... according to a report in a the Journal of Nursing Scholarship. Those who practice 16 movements stated significant less pain... helping to reduce pain by increasing circulation...
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    Maybe the real question we need to ask is... what kind of world do we want each other to live in. 🤔
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    Kindness makes you the most beautiful person in the room, no matter what you look like. 😉
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    Imagine your life is a film. It doesn't really matter if you don't understand the plot, as long as you have a brilliant cast. 😉
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    Health& Wellness tip...

    Exercise is one of the top ingredients in a healthy lifestyle. Adults should exercise at least thirty minutes...five days a week...or more. may like it. 😉
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    Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.
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    Every day...

    Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it. 😉 Have a good day!... ALL