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  1. J


    I may not always understand God's plan for me, but I'll always accept them because His✨ decisions are better than mine.
  2. J


    Positive thinking is not only about expecting the best to happen, But, it is also about ACCEPTING whatever happens is for you the BEST! 😉
  3. J

    For Fathers...

    For Sunday...or whenever F..orget A..about M.e I.. L.ove Y..ou Have a blessed Father's Day!
  4. J


    Attract what you expect, Reflect what you desire, Become what you respect, Mirror what you admire. All have a blessed day!
  5. J


    Every day is a be thankful for another day of life.
  6. J


    Hi! All..joined W-6/9 and posted a few... didn't realize I should have come here first.. In continuing..saw some did not get posted..and didn't know why? Always post positive..but maybe thread tiles are misunderstood? Can anyone explain..thanks. P.S..Most posts are quite good.
  7. J


    Even if you failed yesterday, You can try again today. Good Luck!🍀
  8. J


    Train your mind and heart to see the good in everything. There is ALWAYS something to be grateful for.
  9. J

    Some life advice...

    You may not end up where you thought you were going, But, you will always end up where you were meant to be!
  10. J


    If you have the chance to make someone happy...just do it!
  11. J

    Monday's " mantra"...

    It's O.K. that I'm NOT PERFECT! 💯
  12. J

    Sunday's thought...

    This is the day the Lord has made.. Let us rejoice and be glad...✨ This should be...for EVERY day!💞
  13. J


    Would it be..lead to reincarnation..or created reincarnation?
  14. J


    Can anyone advise..would it be?.. created reincarnation or lead to reincarnation? Thanks!