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  1. J


    If you have a choice, then choose the best... If you have no choice, then do the best!
  2. J

    Start the week...

    After this past weekend, with somber rembrance and "heavy hearts"💔 Let's begin today with Think good thoughts Say nice things Do good for others Everything comes back! Good Karma! !
  3. J

    Today and ever...

    Nothing makes a new day more beautiful and promising than having the right heart, the right spirit, the right mind and the right strength from God. May God bless you with all these and more today! 🌟
  4. J

    The Ten Commandments for Every Home

    1. If you open it..........close it. 2. If you unlock it......lock it 3. If you turn it on....turn it off 4. If you move it........put it back 5. If it isn't yours......ask before you use it 6. If you borrow it....return it 7. If you use it........... return it 8. If you break...
  5. J


    I am grateful for all that is unfolding in my life now and all that is yet to come. Thank you, Lord. ✨
  6. J

    Lead puzzle...

    If you take a brand new pencil ✏️ and begin to draw a continuous line with no interruptions.. How far would it go? You can go 35 miles before your pencil is used up. 💯
  7. J

    How do you do?

    September is National Courtesy Month It takes little effort to extend kindness. This entire month gives an ample opportunity to practice being kind. The word courteous comes from the Middle English word 'kindness' which means ' noble deeds' or ' courtesy'. Courtesy can mean several things...
  8. J

    Be Prepared...

    Would you and your family be prepared if you had a fire 🔥in your home? Go to and learn how to plan and practice a home fire drill.
  9. J


    You grow through what you go through. 💯
  10. J

    The meaning...

    of Bible... Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth 💫
  11. J

    One day...

    One day at a time is all we should be dealing with... We can't go back to yesterday We can't control tomorrow So, live for today and be thankful! ✨
  12. J

    RED Friday...

    RED stands for Rmember Everyone Demployed and the term describes civilian and military families efforts to show support For those deployed. By wearing something Red 👔🧦 all day each Friday, we not only remind ourselves of the of the troops serving our country but we also are visible smbols...
  13. J

    Summer Tip

    Did you know the sun can make you sick? The ultraviolet (UV) rays can interact with medications you're taking, causing a painful skin reaction. Limit your sun exposure if you're taking any of the following: NSAIDS (Advil, Aleve) Antibiotics Statins (cholesterol lowering drugs) Diuretics...
  14. J

    The Essential Road-trip Kit

    The weather is warm, vacations have started, you're 50 miles from your desestination--and chances are you're not thinking what could go wrong. 🤔 While no one can plan for car trouble, in emergency situations, it is helpful to have some preparations in place. Prepare your car so you're ready...
  15. J

    Have Faith...

    Nothing makes a new day more beautiful and promising than having the right heart, the right spirit, the right mind and the right strength from God May God Bless you with all these and more today. ✨
  16. J

    How well do you know the Books of the Bible?

    There are 30 books of the Bible in this paragraph. Can you find them? This is a remarkable puzzle. It was found by a gentleman in an airplane seat pocket on a flight from Los Angeles to Honolulu, keeping him occupied for hours. He enjoyed it so much, he passed it on to some friends. One friend...
  17. J


    Life is an echo What you send out - comes back What you sow- you reap What you give - you get What you see in others - exists in you Do not judge - so you WILL NOT be judged Radiate and give LOVE and LOVE 💕 comes back to you.
  18. J

    Positive Energy for Effective Healng

    Have you ever felt uncomfortable, tense or bothereds upon entering a room or place of business? If so, you are probably picking up on the presence of negative energy. It could be from thoughts-- either spoken or unspoken-- or actions by/ toward someone who had been in that area. Even though...
  19. J

    Eat Greens, Save Bones...

    An amino acid linked to heart disease, homocysteine is a significant risk factor for osteoporosis researchers have found. The good news is that eating leafy greens and grains fortified with folic acid (along with vitamins B6 & B12) lowers homocysteine levels. It is also recommended that...
  20. J

    Think about it...

    Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday! Live it! 💫