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  1. E

    How Does a Broken Church Reach a Lost World?

    I wholeheartly agree. One thing the Lord showed me with church issues is "I can't change them, but with God's power & influence I can be changed. So I pray for the Lord to change me to be more loving, gracious, & merciful to others. It still hasn't changed them, but they have notice my change...
  2. E

    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    I work much by myself for the state where I live & there's been times I would play some old praise & worship on my computer speakers & have a hand-raising, crying, worshipful time. It actually has been better than worship at our church. It doesn't happen all the time, but when it does, it feels...
  3. E

    How Does a Broken Church Reach a Lost World?

    Even a cup of water given in the name of a disciple he shall not lose his reward. :)
  4. E

    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    I've changed my prayer at the eating table that God would also give us open eyes & an understanding/discerning heart to everything around us.
  5. E

    How Does a Broken Church Reach a Lost World?

    It can be a number of things. Since the Falling Away is speeding up at a breakneck pace, there will be some who cross the line without knowing it. Also, being on the internet, it's easy to fake a christian attitude(sort of) & play a hypocritical part just for fun. Then there's those who labor...
  6. E

    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    We... have... the right to "man up"? Quit "taking" attacks? I'm afraid this somehow needs to be rewritten to be more exact as to what you mean. As servants of Christ, there are certain "rights" we don't possess, such as beating those who do this at their own game. That requires manipulation...
  7. E

    After water Baptism

    G'nite all, cya tomorrow
  8. E

    After water Baptism

    I would be careful with dreams, because they're not always as we think they are. Sometimes dreams can set us up with these "feelings" of power to give us an air of arrogance & pride. True dreams about God's anointing & call are to direct us in service and ministry to others. It should never make...
  9. E

    After water Baptism

    Hi Blain. There's a difference between the works of the Spirit you're talking about. First, there's a measure of the Holy Spirit we all receive at salvation. It immediately changes us, giving us a greater degree of understanding of God, Jesus, & the Kingdom of God. Then there's the Baptism of...
  10. E

    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    Hi, Gideon. Normally I would agree with you, but doing the right things the wrong way is still wrong, no matter how you slice it. I would neither agree with or promote what RA is doing, no matter how "correct" he sounds
  11. E

    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    This is just some of the stuff from the last 4 pages. If I searched all of them, well, nobody likes to read big paragraphs. False accusations. Calling Pentecostals liars. Stuck in the OT. accusing them of being propagandists. Attacking their beliefs. Comparing Pentecostals to LDS & Jehovah's...
  12. E

    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    Let's go back to the beginning of this Op. it's called Pentecostalism's sketchy origins. It's purpose from the beginning was to denigrate the Pentecostal Movement by going after one of its early founders & one of its famous members. Also, you've raised this Op from the dead to try to continue...
  13. E

    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    This shows a predetermined judgment about Pentecostalism. He's not wanting us to believe facts, but what he believes & hates.
  14. E

    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    But you did say the movement was rotten because of the early people in it.
  15. E

    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    A good start.
  16. E

    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    I am also a conservative Pentecostal & am not ashamed of my relationship with Christ. So yes, I identify with the movement & am glad you see that. I wouldn't ask someone to do something unless I've done it already. I checked out the Pentecostal movement because I wanted to see it for myself. I...
  17. E

    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    Totally agree with you, sis. I must admit i've had some scuffles on here with him too. Has anyone else on here had similar situations as well?
  18. E

    Revelation 2 Part 1 Test your church

    Just curious, were you going to tell us eventually you copied this from & who wrote it? Dolores Smyth’s work has appeared in numerous faith and parenting...
  19. E

    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    The attack began when you posted the thread. As usual, those attacking claim they're being attacked. I'm trying to figure out whether you're spiritually blind or being a deceiver. Either way I feel sorry for you.:cautious:
  20. E

    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    Yeah, major media has their own version of the "public record" & facts. I could write anything on the internet, get a couple of people to agree with me, & there you have the public record.