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  1. E

    Is it the Christian's responsibility to fight "territorial spirits?"

    Just because the seven mountain mandate believes in territorial spirits means nothing. There's things that JW's & Mormons believe like we do, and it doesn't change that theology a bit. Territorial spirits were over the empires Daniel talked about when telling the meaning of the dream the king of...
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    Is it the Christian's responsibility to fight "territorial spirits?"

    Is it the Christian's responsibility to fight "territorial spirits?" Absolutely!!! When we witness, teach, preach, pray, etc., we are fighting directly against Satan's kingdom, to deliver souls from darkness to light. That in and of itself is spiritual warfare! When God sends an evangelist to...
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    would you donate to Copeland...and the like.

    A Jew is one who practices the Jewish religion, Judaism. This includes both converts and those who have been members of the Jewish religion since birth. A Jew is one who is a descendant of the ancient Israelite ethnic group, and therefore is a member of the Jewish people. Members of the Jewish...
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    would you donate to Copeland...and the like.

    Have you forgotten the book of Hebrews was written to Jewish christians scattered abroad? It's right there in 'da Book!
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    would you donate to Copeland...and the like.

    I partially agree. I know there are many fakers out there, trying to fit in, trying to be important, trying to even be superior. So yes, things that PASS for the genuine gift aren't true, because many are afraid to judge righteously because of ignorance, or walking in fear, or just don't know...
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    would you donate to Copeland...and the like.

    I have one question: Is knowing/not knowing Kenneth Copeland worth all this? He'd better be very valuable, considering the cost some of you are paying right now. Me, personally, I don't think he is worth losing what we have in Christ. Actually, nobody, including myself is worth that.
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    would you donate to Copeland...and the like.

    It is true Only God kows who can be revived & who's reprobate. It might surprise us who we will see in the New Jerusalem & who we won't.
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    Is the human soul immortal?

    This is a simple problem with a simple answer. Whenever there seems to be a conflict in scripture, it is ALWAYS a contextual issue. The context hasn't been sought out. 1Tim 6: 14to keep the commandment unstained and free from reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, 15which he will...
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    Is the human soul immortal?

    Rev 14:9And another angel, a third, followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, 10he also will drink the wine of God’s wrath, poured full strength into the cup of his anger, and he will be tormented with...
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    would you donate to Copeland...and the like.

    True, but haven't you heard? God so loves the world!
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    Is it the Christian's responsibility to fight "territorial spirits?"

    Otherwise know now as "do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law".
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    What do you think?

    One stated earlier that people make time for what's important. The modern church makes time once a week now instead of the old 3 times a week. Yet Hebrews says we should "not forsake the assembling of ourselves, & all the more as we see the day approaching." And we wonder why the Falling Away is...
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    Is it the Christian's responsibility to fight "territorial spirits?"

    Daniel tells us many things in his book, such as how God can answer our prayers, & how Satan occupies places with his hierarchy of demons. Since Satan is as a roaring lion seeking who he may devour, IDT he sends demons to stand guard over occupied territories. They are there for war. Certainly...
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    Is it the Christian's responsibility to fight "territorial spirits?"

    I totally agree, L4H2. It has been my personal observation that such spirits rule over communities, cities, even whole countries. I also believe these spirits will dominate more as the Holy Spirit is gradually taken out of the way. It's because of these spirits that the US has become liberal...
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    Do you believe a person needs the Holy Ghost?

    1. Absolutely. 2. Absolutely not. It isn't profitable to believe a lie & be damned. 3. Yes, they call themselves christians, but they are not. They have no fruit of righteous, neither do they fear the Lord. 4. Not at all. They are not saved & deceived. 5. Yes. Every true christian has a measure...
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    Why is God's Name NOT in the Bible?

    Correction. More like a short 'o'
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    Why is God's Name NOT in the Bible?

    Ps 68:4Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name JAH, and rejoice before him. Short 'a'
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    Why is God's Name NOT in the Bible?

    I believe you're looking for Jah. I like His Greek name better. Abba. I think it's pronounced Ab'ba.
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    Yours above it.
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    Doctrine of Unconditional Election

    Hello, I just got into the Op & the first thing I notice is this. I can't believe so many scriptures have been overlooked to make such a statement. God is no respector of persons. Col3:23-25; Acts 10:34; Romans 2:11; Eph 6:9; James 2:1, & many others. If God doesn't show partiality, how can He...