You really want to know what I think? Don't ever ask me that unless you really want to know, cause I will tell you.
Firstly, much of TV ministry is bad or going bad. Not just the pentecostals or charismatics, either. But these tend to stand out more because they resemble a spiritual 3-ringed...
@ hornetguy,
I can understand the confusion about Pentecostalism. There's a lot of fakers out there today, as well as many well-intentioned, but young Pentecostals who are just trying to fit in or find their way through the messiness of spiritual warfare. For years I was one of those people. It...
I.... dunno how you come to this conclusion that charismatics live holier lives. We've been made holy by the blood of Christ, & yes we are to be holy because the Father is holy.
Maybe "holier" should be changed to something like "strict", "conservative", etc. because what you're saying sounds...
Have you not read that Jesus did NOTHING of himself, doing only what the Father said & did? Neither can we, unless the Head of the church leads us to do so.
You don't understand because you can't discern it.
In Acts 2, many think Peter's short sermon got 3000 people saved. Not entirely true...
I don't. Many today are frauds, They claim the power but don't show the fruit.
Mind you, I'm not against the movement. Some are real.
What many christians don't understand is both the Pentecostal & charismatic movements Have been under a great deal of spiritual warfare.
The church I was saved...
That is a trap, a catch 22.
Acts 2: 1When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. 2And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. 3And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and...
There are fakes in the P/C movements. That's an established fact. And they are multiplying with the Falling Away. Some see them everywhere because they are looking only for them. Others don't see them because they're not looking for them.
Now if both groups would admit this, this OP would only...
Strongly disagree on the election. We didn't lose, it was stolen. Individual states are slowly realizing that. That's why the state election laws are changing.
I can only hope John Durham can get to the bottom of it befoer he's killed or replaced.
Think about the prophecies concerning the nation...
The thing is, if they are true christians, God will let them know to be involved or not. We shouldn't immediately make up our minds because of the times we live in.
We should be led by the Spirit of the Lord in everything we do.
Were you there?
I feel so sorry for you. You judged the righteous of the past that you do not know, then judge these here you also do not know.
"with the measure you judge it will be measured to you again."
I seem to keep hearing undertones insinuating it's not about obedience.
Let's let the Word clarify that.
Acts 5:29 English Standard Version
But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men.
Philippians 2:12 Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only...
I looked & searched for false gods, demonic, etc., &....nothing. That's strange, since SOMEBODY always has something to say & this album is over a year old. I wonder if there's more being scrubbed off the internet than we realize.:unsure:
God hears our thoughts so it wouldn't matter with Him hearing your heart.
That being said, it would matter to everyone who would hear you as it's a witness to them.
Imagine if Jesus only prayed in His mind... lots of precious teachings would have been lost, because nobody would have heard him.
You need to question those things you've learned because Womack is a false preacher/prophet/teacher.
One only needs to search his name & put "false" behind it to find PAGES of sites stating this.