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  1. E

    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    I tried watching the video. When I found out this guy was bashing Lake because Kenneth Copeland wrote a book about him, I understood he was linking Lake to Copeland to defame him. Do some real research instead of watching haters & you can find out the truth. I'm really beginning to wonder about...
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    KJV, NKJV or ESV for second language?

    Hello Krasimir, and welcome! I would say "Which is the best English Translation?" probably should be changed to "Which is the best Translation?", for what good is a easily readable translation if it is corrupt? I am wary of the NIV because of all the changes thru the years. For accuracy, I...
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    Eisegesis. Learned from one of those denominations you were talking about. You don't know because you're hardened in your beliefs. Babies taught by babies won't get much, & it's not always the new converts' fault. Not entirely true. Again, babies teaching babies won't take a new convert very...
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    I don't have the luxery to believe what I want. It is written, so it is.
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    Since when do we have the right to judge the true by the false? I know the false exist, but that gives me no right to judge the true ones by them. Let's not forget there's two prophets to come that will prophesy to the nations. That seems to tell me God still has them around.
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    How do you think any prophet OT & NT gained a reputation as being a prophet while the people waited for their big predictions to come true? They heard these prophets give prophecies to others about their lives & it came true. They were known by their fruits. While it may seem there's no more...
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    What we need to see is the need to have the ministries alive today because Christ gave them to the church. Eph 4: 9(In saying, “He ascended,” what does it mean but that he had also descended into the lower regions, the earth?b 10He who descended is the one who also ascended far above all the...
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    You DO realize there's no scripture that says these ministries have ended?
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    What would be the point?

    I agree. But we should never forget the OT moral law still has a place. 1Cor 10: 6Now these things took place as examples for us, that we might not desire evil as they did. 7Do not be idolaters as some of them were; as it is written, “The people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play.”...
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    Where is your scriptural evidence for that?
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    Mostly I agree. But many churches teach (directly or indirectly) that giving is the christian's sole duty to be active in the church, when actually it's one of many. "I give, so I've done my part" is the belief of many christians today. I wish somebody would tell them the truth.:(
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    Some people go to the church of their choice. Then there's others who go where God leads them. In order to serve the Lord, one needs to know where He sends them. Wouldn't you agree?
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    I mostly agree with that. But there are small churches that believe in it because their denomination teaches it. I currently belong to a Pentecostal denomination that does. They don't have rich fancy churches in it either. I don't believe in it at all, because the doctrine isn't in the NT...
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    Noah's flood was only 25 ft deep.

    I would have to believe the mountains were already there. Otherwise tsunamis would have wrecked the ark.
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    What is the scriptural basis for the doctrine of prophetic intercession?

    You do greatly err, since the charismatic movement started somewhere in the 1960's. Are you a fan of John MacAuthur?
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    Can there be apostles today, and have their been throughout church history?

    Can there be apostles today? Yes, because the Bible says so. That ought to be the end of it. But.....opinions prevail in the BDF. Before you answer the question, you should look up what an apostle is. Then, strip it of all its overglorifying junk religious people add to it. Then reread the...
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    What is the scriptural basis for the doctrine of prophetic intercession?

    First of all, you are making assumptions that I'm making assumptions. TRUE prophets ARE led by the Spirit, not by earthly talents. Lots of people make predictions, but not all by the Spirit. Is Warren Buffet a prophet because he predicts things on Wall St.? No. Is Bill Gates a prophet because...
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    God's 7000 Year Plan for Mankind - And a Timeline!

    Just puttong a monkey wrench in the middle of this dicussion. How many know that most OT prophecies were told under the order of a Jewish calendar? If we went by a Jewish calandar, I wonder what millenium we'd be in currently? BTW, I don't believe in numerology.
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    What is the scriptural basis for the doctrine of prophetic intercession?

    I have encountered those who told me, "I heard you praying exactly for the problem I was facing". The Spirit of prophecy does do this, but I think it should never be given a special place or a special name to "indicate" I have a "special ministry". You're either led by the Spirit or not. Such...
  20. E

    what are your thoughts of Apostle Kathryn Krick

    Jesus said you will know them by their fruits. Those fruits can usually be seen at the beginning of their show, with the announcer saying, "Let's welcome Apostle so-and-so". The scribes & pharisees always made a big show about everything they did. If these do the same things, they are showing...