I'm more concerned about my neighbor than some billionaire I'll never meet.
I know a guy who, about 15 years ago, was doing time for some serious drugs and weapons offenses. This was in southern Ontario, Canada.
While inside, a guard came to the inmates one day, saying that a Christian group was holding a meeting and that anyone could attend.
This guy decided to go...one doesn't have many opportunities to get out of their cell. Along with some other inmates, he sat through a presentation of the gospel and was given refreshments and snacks. A woman approached him and struck up a conversation. She prayed with him, gave him some books that she'd written, gave him a hug, and then the group left.
15 years later, he hasn't been back to jail and has forsaken his life of crime. He talks about Jesus and God almost daily.
This man is my son. The woman was Joyce Meyer. He read the stack of books she gave him, including, "Battlefield Of The Mind." He told me the other day that a book she gave him that really helped him was written by Kenneth Copeland.

I really don't like the prosperity gospel. I don't like the WOF. I don't like cessationism. I love the Lord and I try to love others, but mainly I love the Lord. He is awesome!