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  1. E

    FYI...just a little update in the times se are in🤔🤔🤔

    Jews who are not natural born Jews. Ashkenazi Jews Any Jew who isn't blood brethren of the 12 tribes Some of these are elitists as well. Some are freemasons.
  2. E

    Fewer in U.S. Now See Bible as Literal Word of God - 20%

    You believe a report from Washington, DC? I believe NOTHING from them!
  3. E

    Could you have a false prophet for a Pastor?

    It is easy to discern some. Copy their texts & search on the internet. I checked out a local church & found out the mother church was preaching the exact same thing. Many copy & preach the internet sermons now. No wonder they preach falsehoods, they don't pray & seek the Lord like the good ones...
  4. E

    Creflo Dollar repents of teaching on tithing???

    If he was truly repentant the Spirit would be able to convict him of all the other false doctrines he teaches. When people do this, it's usually because: 1. It's a trick to fool his followers even more. 2. It's because somebody is about to legally expose them for something they did. Either way...
  5. E

    Someone is in Big Trouble

    I will add another can of worms to the Op. How many "add to" or "take away" from the text by not understanding because they don't properly study to show themselves approved? Many times we do this when we think we know what it says & are actually teaching false doctrine. Adding or taking away...
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    Anger & Murder, Lust & Adultery

    I'm a little late in the game here, but lust can cover a huge amount of sins across the flesh spectrum, making it a sin at the top of the sin list. 1John 2:15Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16For all...
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    Do you observe the Sabbath?

    What are you doing in here, PM-777? Wasn't there anyone in the Not By Works thread to argue with? BTW, that' NOT what Jesus did. Why? Because Jesus didn't have the attitude you have. Jesus also taught if they don't receive you to dust off your feet as a witness against them. Plus, The Jesus I...
  8. E

    It is FINISHED.

    Should I suppose you meant to add true repentance to this or was this ommission intentional? BTW, "believing" is so much more than mere acceptance of God's plan. AAMOF good works resulting from true faith is the only evidence to ourselves & others that we actually live by faith. The just...
  9. E

    Is a doctrinal statement or the Scriptures the starting point for your church?

    Please.... don't judge the denominations!!! We don't know how far God allows His grace to go concerning these things!!! We could get in more trouble than we think they are in for doing it!!!
  10. E

    Why did JESUS say all manner of sin and >--blasphemy<-- will be forgiven but blasphemy of the HOLY SPIRIT will not be forgiven?

    It depends. Are they just trying to fit in, or are they purposely doing it? Only God can judge the heart.
  11. E

    Why did JESUS say all manner of sin and >--blasphemy<-- will be forgiven but blasphemy of the HOLY SPIRIT will not be forgiven?

    There are some on here that do this quite often, stating that all Pentecostals or charismatics are acting in themselves, or babbling, or are led by the Devil. It's the spiritual actions they target, not the attitudes. Therefore it's blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. True christians ought to walk...
  12. E

    Why did JESUS say all manner of sin and >--blasphemy<-- will be forgiven but blasphemy of the HOLY SPIRIT will not be forgiven?

    Strong's Concordance blasphémia: slander Original Word: βλασφημία, ας, ἡ Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine Transliteration: blasphémia Phonetic Spelling: (blas-fay-me'-ah) Definition: slander Usage: abusive or scurrilous language, blasphemy. Slander is commonly used on purpose when the truth is...
  13. E

    Do you observe the Sabbath?

    Col. 216Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath. 17These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ. In the Old Testament the literal physical rest of the Sabbath pointed to...
  14. E

    Finishing The Race, OR...

    Philippians 3:12Not that I have already obtained, or am already made perfect: but I press on, if so be that I may apprehend that for which also I was apprehended by Christ Jesus. 13Brethren, I count not myself yet to have apprehended: but one thing I do, forgetting the things which are behind...
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    Church planting?

    I suppose you have a point.... and I think by now everyone knows where it's at.:whistle::ROFL:;)
  16. E

    the effect of being born again on our free will I won't post it. Read it for yourself. Why do people come on here to ask such questions? 1. They want someone else to do all their legwork. 2. They want to stir up controversy for the fun of it. 3. They want to push their false doctrine. 4...
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    Church planting?

    I'd say there are several in here are growing weary of your rants & excuses. If it walks likes a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a duck.
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    Church planting?

    Isn't that what missionaries do today in cities of foreign countries? I do agree that there's more to it than a building. Paul started churches in many cities, but one church might have 3-7 home congregations making up one church.
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    What does this mean to you?

    Simple.... the Law was fulfilled by Christ. Done deal. The prophets aren't the law, some of theirs still needs to be fulfilled.
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    Both progressive and traditional types of Christians blatantly disobey the Bible... and this example about men and women proves it.

    I read & re-read this, & see that this isn't mandatory. AAMOF, the last verse plainly states if this causes contention, then "we have no such practice, nor do the churches of God." Since contention has been caused in the Op, shouldn't we do as Paul says? Instead we are causing more contention by...