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  1. E

    Confusion over the "sign" gifts?

    Apparently you've never been an addict before, neither have you been in an abusive relationship. Anything God does that man can't do is miraculous. Being saved is the greatest miracle to me. Don't worry, though... when you need a miracle bad enough, you will believe for it.;)
  2. E

    Whose job is it to provide this training?

    Wouldn't God be a respector of persons if He gave the gifts only to the early church? Esp. when the modern church needs them so badly now.
  3. E

    Were Nephilim (Gen 6) judged differently by God?

    You might want to read V 15, this shows Satan was being talked about. There has been no one blameless except Christ. This verse said he was created blameless Plus, the King of Tyre never became a Jew. He was always a sinner. 15You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created, till...
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    Confusion over the "sign" gifts?

    If I'm getting what you said right, you're saying you basically believe it but you haven't seen it yet. Is this true?
  5. E

    Confusion over the "sign" gifts?

    God didn't quit using Paul till he died.
  6. E

    Confusion over the "sign" gifts?

    Who said they were?
  7. E

    Were Nephilim (Gen 6) judged differently by God?

    Ezekiel 28:14Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.
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    Were Nephilim (Gen 6) judged differently by God?

    If he wasn't that smart there would be next to nobody in Hell. Foolish people think Satan is dumb. I hope you're not like that.
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    The Eyes of God

    I believe that. But I believe that faith is a continuous, active faith, not a once & done.
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    Confusion over the "sign" gifts?

    Mark 16:17And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will...
  11. E

    And God saw it was Good.

    Uuuuummmm.....because it was? Perhaps reminding the future readers that EVERYTHING was perfect in the beginning before sin ruined it? This would also help us to see that the future of the christian will be perfect again in the New Jerusalem.:)
  12. E

    The Eyes of God

    I would like to believe it were possible for all to not to turn their backs on God, but I can't. After all, that's what the falling away is about, & in droves. Also remember the Parable of the Sower where Jesus shows the different kinds of christians who will not endure.
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    What's up with Legion's request to go into the herd of pigs?

    I believe we are missing the point, by not asking the right questions. 1. Why was Jesus there? Biblical context: Matt 15:24 24He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” (Jesus healed the Caananite woman) The Father sent Jesus to Gadara. 2. Why did the demons...
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    Spiritual War

    Our best witness isn't seeing us with an overbearing "expose' "of the sins of the world. There's an old saying.... "I'd rather see a sermon than hear one any day". When the world watches our persecution, they watch a rock-solid sermon.
  15. E

    andrew wommack

    That is actually true. Though it's sad to see someone using that as an excuse to accuse the whole movement as falsehood. It's obvious you're some kind of profiteer looking to "cash in" on your accusations. What's the difference between you & those you expose? Not much. A profiteer is a...
  16. E

    What do we do with postbiblical revelation?

    They can lie. I have a 3 yr old granddaughter that lies all the time. Plus, children are gullible. They believe in Santa Claus up to age 12.
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    Is Repentance a Condition for Salvation?

    Ask God for boldness & strength. He will give you your heart's desire when you desire to please Him.:)
  18. E

    What do we do with postbiblical revelation?

    So you don't believe God or Jesus can reveal Himself to a muslim to save him? Ypu need to read the testimonies. So you don't believe the Lord can send somebody into a hospital room to tell them He's going to heal them? You see, EVERYBODY believes it when it's their turn to receive what they...
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    Ephesians 4:11-16

    This speaks about our final completion.
  20. E

    What do we do with postbiblical revelation?

    You are right. I posted quickly without thinking, obviously.:oops: