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  1. E

    Free Will - A More Exhaustive Look

    You don't know?
  2. E

    Free Will - A More Exhaustive Look

    Josh 24:14 English Standard Version And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the LORD, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the...
  3. E

    1st Pentecost (Mt Sinai) & 1st post resurrection Pentecost (Temple Mt) were a betrothal/marriage contract.

    This I cannot agree with. We're either His or we're not. Being a part of his body, we are His, unless we rebel as in the Falling away.
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    Free Will - A More Exhaustive Look

    Man has freewill to choose whom he will serve. God still has authority to intervene in man's lives though. It gave Israel an edge. But the heathen could still choose to join Israel. Many Egyptians went with Israel during the Exodus. It didn't take away the ability to man to choose at all. In...
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    NO falling away…Just a free ride… with Jesus.

    NO. We are born in sin & our flesh will sin till we die.
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    NO falling away…Just a free ride… with Jesus.

    No, it isn't. EVERY epistle is written to the church mostly about the church. No sinner can fall away, because they're already in sin.
  7. E

    Is faith a work?

    No. If we sin, we have been given a space of time to repent. Plus, Paul always says something like "and continueth therein". Those that continue in sin unrepented of will depart from the faith. Those striving for the mark of the prize will keep the faith. If it were left up to every single sin...
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    Pentecost 2022

    Col 2:16Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath. 17These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ. In these days where "anything goes" in the modern church, I strongly...
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    Do you believe in (OSAS) Once Saved, Always Saved?

    NO! There's too many warnings to the church in the NT about being deceived & departing from the faith.
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    NO falling away…Just a free ride… with Jesus.

    It's very simple: S I N N E R S . There's sinners, & there's saints. Nothing in between.:)
  11. E

    Is faith a work?

    Agreed. The Judiazers of Jesus' day were the worst false teachers of the time.
  12. E

    Christ and him crucified

    Jesus Himself said: Why is it you call Me Lord, Lord, & do not the things I say? Like the old song: Trust & obey, for there's no other way, to be happy in Jesus..... but to trust & obey.
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    NO falling away…Just a free ride… with Jesus.

    I cannot agree that they're false christians. More like deceived, backslidden christians. After all, a false christian is a sinner, & has nothing to fall away from. This is why the epistles give all kinds of warnings about the church being deceived.
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    NO falling away…Just a free ride… with Jesus.

    The Triple G has reared its ugly head once more. I can't mention what most know it as as it is a no-no. So I call them the Greasy Grace Gang.;)
  15. E

    Is faith a work?

    I agree. I have faith. But I can decide not to use it. When I do, & continue to do so, it is called unbelief. There are NT scriptures that warn the church that walking in unbelief will get us cut off. Now, there be some that say it's not unbelief, but disobedience, so that they can claim...
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    Is faith a work?

    Something to ponder: Is everyone saying faith without any works(of faith or without faith) justifies us as saved? The reason I'm asking is because it seems everyone(to me) is saying this. Let me clarify: everyone can agree that faith without works saves us all the while half will say faith...
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    Bible Vs Scientism

    I read that carbon 14 dating is incorrect because of pressure exerted on an object can change the dating of it. Now, imagine water covering the highest mountain. In some cases, carbon would pressured into diamonds. Seems to me that a biblical flood that science doesn't believe happened would...
  18. E

    Is faith a work?

    That's a tough one, but I'll try. Grace is a gift, but so is faith. The scripture says everyone has been given the measure of faith. "not of works, lest any man should boast" means that any personal ability/effort will not get it done because with man it's impossible, but with God all things...
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    A Precedent for Every Situation

    I can agree on one thing, humility isn't being shown here. There's an old saying, "It takes two to tango". I cannot speak for everyone else, but as for me, both your reputations are changing in my eyes. I'm not sure that matters to you, because I'm not some big somebody. I do think both of you...
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    Let's Talk Sex, from a Biblical View

    With an attitude like that, WHY would God give you to a good christian woman? So many ask God for a good christian spouse, yet they won't evaluate themselves as whether they are themselves a good mature christian to be that kind of spouse for the other person. Instead of asking for a christian...