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  1. E

    Who is a Jew?

    KG, I humbly ask you to cease before you get a warning. You could be getting set up.
  2. E

    Tongues: Parham vs. Seymour

    Seymore continued to obey the Lord while Parham let racism get in his way. Pity.
  3. E

    Who is a Jew?

    Thank you, KG.
  4. E

    Could you have a false prophet for a Pastor?

    The globalists/1%'ers/illuminati, etc are all one & the same. I notice you seem to be spot on when it comes to them. :)
  5. E

    Where are Our Prophets

    The scripture in Acts 2 is as much the permanent Word of God as any other scripture. If you want to imply 1Cor 13:8, I suggest you read all of Paul's epistles first to find proper context. Don't feel bad..... you wouldn't be the first to overlook multiple major scriptures to prove your point...
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    Who is a Jew?

    Evidence of pure Jews coming to Israel: Law of Return - Wikipedia Law of Return (Hebrew,Israel and acquire Israeli citizenship. Genetic citizenship: DNA testing and the Israeli Law of Return | Journal of Law and the Biosciences | Oxford...
  7. E

    Who is a Jew?

    Something to think about: many thru the centuries have joined Israel, claiming to have become Jews by making Judaism their religion. But this cannot legally/spiritually happen. It's easy to forget when the New Covenant came into existence the Old Covenant was done away with. Therefore, all who...
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    Where are Our Prophets

    I usually enjoy your posts, but here it seems like you know nothing about this. It is in the Book plainly written.
  9. E

    Where are Our Prophets

    You haven't read Acts 2 yet, have you? All you're talking about is there. Sons, daughters, young & old men, servants & handmaidens. All.
  10. E

    Where are Our Prophets

    I don't totally agree with that. If you read the OT, you'll find several OT prophets were ignored by the people. This is what's happening with preachers who warn the people of things to come. They are ignored. People in their church will shovel the sermon over their shoulder to the next pew...
  11. E

    Where are Our Prophets

    As usual, totally wrong when it comes to spiritual gifts. Don't you read your Bible? Or do you just parrot other religious unbelievers? Read Acts ch 2. Peter tells the crowd what you need to know. Shame on everyone who calls themselves christians who don't believe prophecy is for the NT church...
  12. E

    what happens when holy spirit comes upon you ?

    I have nothing to do with your conversation, so please leave me out.:)
  13. E

    Did Jesus drink alcohol?

    1Peter 2:4And coming to Him as to a living stone which has been rejected by people, but is choice and precious in the sight of God, 5you also, as living stones, [j]are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to God through...
  14. E

    Did Jesus drink alcohol?

    I never read anywhere Jesus was a virtual Nazarite. But you DO bring up a valid point of Jesus being our Great High Priest. It reminded me that we are joint heirs of Christ & have been made priests of His kingdom. Now that certainly shakes things up about the church, doesn't it?;)
  15. E

    Did Jesus drink alcohol?

    Old wine in those days was bitter because it was spoiled, improperly fermented, like communion juice when it gets too old. New wine has very little alcohol, because it was properly fermented to make it keep. There was no cooling in those days, so everything spoiled quickly.
  16. E

    what happens when holy spirit comes upon you ?

    Exactly my point. Look at what happened! When the Holy Spirit is manifested, He doesn't show up to be looked at. He performs wonders for the glory of God.
  17. E

    Did Jesus drink alcohol?

    What has become of the modern church when people excuse their drinking of over 25% alcohol, 2-3 glasses at a meal? Back then, decent water was scarce. They mixed wine in the water to kill germs. Point is, we no longer have such problems, therefore we have no such excuses.
  18. E

    Did Jesus drink alcohol?

    I cringe when believers can't agree on the simplest texts, yet fully falsely agree to the accusations of the scribes & pharisees. I suppose Jesus was playing with evil spirits because they said he has a demon & cast out devils through the prince of demons? Don't insult my Savior, praise &...
  19. E

    does this apply to WOF?

    Wow. I usually read your posts with interest, but not this time. The money wasn't given to the Apostles to prosper them, but to scatter equally to the church to those in need. Jesus, an example that we should follow in His steps, didn't have a place of His own to lay His head. The prosperity...
  20. E

    what happens when holy spirit comes upon you ?

    No it wasn't. You may have seen something, but it wasn't the Spirit. Only Jesus had the Spirit come on Him in the form of a dove. If the Spirit came toward you that close , He would have been there for a spefic reason other than being seen. God doesn't do anything just to be seen.