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  1. E

    USA is Greatest Country in the World!!!!!!!!!!

    The US has been an excellent place to be, but no more.
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    Is it biblical that a person can lose the holy spirit or salvation

    Is it biblical that a person can lose the holy spirit or salvation Yes. Matthew 10:22 New American Standard Bible And you will be hated by all because of My name, but it is the one who has endured to the end who will be saved. John 15:6 If anyone does not remain in Me, he is thrown away like...
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    USA is Greatest Country in the World!!!!!!!!!!

    Some might think the US would fight against the tribulation govt when it comes in. I would say that's probably one of the main reasons it's being trashed from within. It needs to be monetarily & spiritually bankrupt before this happens. If all countries turn to the Antichrist when he shows up...
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    A catch-22...If you were to challenge your opponent for the sake of correctness, you will have an argument on your hands. If you don't, it makes your opponent look like a winner because he run you off. It seems that either way, he wins. Don't be fooled; pride will force you to attempt to win...
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    Christians, Are you Praying about this Election?

    My discernment says all credible witnesses died mysteriously before they had a chance to testify.
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    What's the Difference Between a “True Believer”

    Kenneth Copeland is a false everything.... teacher, preacher, prophet, & christian. Yet he claims to be a christian. What do you think the majority of his followers are? If they are blind, it's because the Spirit of God isn't in them. Yet they will claim to be saved. The RCC isn't even a real...
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    Anyone used NORD VPN?

    I'm sorry, when I say they all do it, I meant load up useless .exes. Only Firefox has full crashes. The others slow down to a crawl & glitch. My work PC does well because it has 16 gig of ram. But the exes still load up.
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    Do We Really Have the Gift of the Holy Spirit's Truth????

    What is the falling away about if there's no fake christians? I do suppose the name "backslidden christians should be used, but if those 'churches' have any new members, they can indeed be fake.
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    Anyone used NORD VPN?

    My work network is state govt.
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    Anyone used NORD VPN?

    It does it on my work Pc, as well as others I have with a fresh Win7 on them. I've tried dual booting with Win10 (to my dislike) & it does it too.
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    There are ZERO promises to Israel about our future. The promises were made before the temple was destroyed whose end was to bring them to Christ. All the Israel of the first century was saved by coming to Christ while the rest which was the majority perished in their sins. There are ZERO...
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    Anyone used NORD VPN?

    I've tried portable chrome, Firefox, & Pale moon. My current one is Maxthon, but it does it too, just not as bad. ALL chromium-based browsers do.
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    Anyone used NORD VPN?

    Firefox does it, too. I have a nice little program called Process Hacker, it's like task manager, but it's so much better. For instance, if task manager shows 13-17 chrome.exe's running this one will show ALL of them, usually 20-30. I've found when chrome starts multiplying, I use PH to suspend...
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    Anyone used NORD VPN?

    I have a 4gig ram PC & it crashed many times as a result. My real problem there is the system says I have only 2.7 gig usable.
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    Anyone used NORD VPN?

    You would be surprised to find out most all your browsers use chromium, therefore about 97% or more of PC's use a chromium browser. I believe even firefox uses it now. I can actually end the multiple Chromes in my task manager & not affect it's ability at all. But they come back.
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    Anyone used NORD VPN?

    Now that the geeks have everything settled, I want to know why all Google-related browsers use over a gig of ram while they only need at most per tab is 80-90 megs each?
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    James 4:2-3

    I would ask for the Gospel to reach everywhere at once so the church age would end.
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    Do You Identify Yourself as a Christian?

    People of Corinth were called corinthians, people of Thessalonica were called thessalonians, & people of Christ were called christians. We haven't changed that for the past 2000 years, why bother now? It means "of Christ". If we are ashamed of Him He will be ashamed of us before the Father & the...
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    How do you think God speaks to His children today?

    One of the ways God speaks to believers according to Acts 2 is through other Spirit-filled believers. 14But Peter, taking his stand with the other eleven, raised his voice and declared to them: “Men of Judea and all you who live in Jerusalem, [n]know this, and pay attention to my words. 15For...