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  1. E

    Repent or Perish Luke 13:1-5

    Better late than never, I suppose. He does have a gimmick. He's a sold out OSAS false teacher that sells books & DVD's with the best of 'em.
  2. E

    Appointing Elders/Bishops from Within the Congregation

    I'll be back on here a little later. Bye all.
  3. E

    Repent or Perish Luke 13:1-5

    Wow. Let's get simpler, shall we? Good intentions without changing our course of action are vain.
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    Appointing Elders/Bishops from Within the Congregation

    I like what Vine's Dictionary says about it: 2Strong's Number: g1984Greek: episkope Bishop (Overseer): besides its meaning, "visitation," e.g., 1Pe 2:12 (cp. the Sept. of Exd 3:16; Isa 10:3; Jer 10:15), is rendered "office," in Act 1:20, RV (AV, "bishoprick"); in 1Ti 3:1, "the office of a...
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    Appointing Elders/Bishops from Within the Congregation

    It is my understanding that Strong's is accurate for showing what the KJV translates words to, instead of what it should actually say in Hebrew/Greek. Is this correct?
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    Appointing Elders/Bishops from Within the Congregation

    It is my understanding the RCC used the term first, which is not to be trusted. The rest I obviously need to research again.
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    Appointing Elders/Bishops from Within the Congregation

    Can you give me the site where you found this? Obviously I need correction.:)
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    Appointing Elders/Bishops from Within the Congregation

    Where did you get your info from?
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    Appointing Elders/Bishops from Within the Congregation

    1 Timothy 3:1 King James Bible This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. Then there's the others: New International Version Here is a trustworthy saying: Whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task. English Standard Version The saying...
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    Appointing Elders/Bishops from Within the Congregation

    1 Timothy 5:17 English Standard Version Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching.
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    Appointing Elders/Bishops from Within the Congregation

    It should be noted that the term "bishop" was never in the original Greek text. I think we first find it in the Bishop's Bible & the King James Version because the archbishop of Canterbury had it placed in to affirm his position & title. The original Greek has "elder".
  12. E

    Repent or Perish Luke 13:1-5

    Have you ever heard the saying: "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions?"
  13. E

    Interesting comment about Joseph ruling in Egypt

    I agree. I guess the Op didn't realize that Joseph was a savior to the Israelites & was obedient to the Most High. Perhaps he ought to question God instead of Joseph.
  14. E

    Yes GOD is a vending machine.

    No matter how you slice it/look at it, comparing the God of all the world, Lord of the universe to a vending machine shows a lack of understanding. It makes God small, & it definitely doesn't give Him the glory due His great Name. Talking about putting God in a box!! The only difference is this...
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    Poll of polls on the longest running debate:

    I remember a rebellion in Heaven. Lucifer, along with 1/3 of the angels rebelled against God & lost their honorable position with God. It was not God who made them rebel, but they themselves. They were still angels, but became known as demons. I read of another rebellion in the NT. 2Thess...
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    How Teachable Are You?

    As long as the righteous congregate, there will be those sent in to bring division. It will not stop, in fact, it will get worse & worse. Many sites today have devolved into one-sided heresy havens. As far as iron sharpens iron..... nowadays that's nothing more than justfying their argument...
  17. E

    born of a woman, born under the law,

    1. Jesus was raised & taught the Law by His mom & stepdad. Born under the Law, raised by the Law. Jesus had to live under the Law properly to perfectly fulfill it, proving His Messiahship, to be the Lamb of God to take away the sins of those who believe on Him.
  18. E

    Conscience VS. Holy Spirit

    I can't agree with that. To me that's the reason so many become confused when they are led by their conscience, thinking it's the Holy Spirit. This is why so many Pentecostals & charismatics say "the Spirit showed me this", or "I heard the Lord say" when actually it was all flesh. Let's face it...
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    Who wrote the book of Hebrews?

    No one knows. But one day... we'll know as we are known.
  20. E

    Can demons read humans' minds?

    I had to laugh when I read your first post after reading the title, Can demons read humans' minds? You don't want to read my thoughts on that right now, LOL!